
Showing posts with the label DOG TREATS

Easy Canis Familiaris Treats

We accept a novel puppy!! He is a "Cheweenie" together with is FULL of unloose energy together with fun. This is the kickoff miniature domestic dog that nosotros accept always owned; he is such an affectionate piffling guy together with his cite is Buddy. Buddy loves, what nosotros telephone holler upwards the "throw-hunt-find-repeat" game, hence I made a large pan of miniature domestic dog treats to to entertain (and train) him with. BUDDY This recipe is quick together with easy. You tin dismiss brand them whatever size y'all want, but nosotros stick amongst smaller treats. They are super difficult together with squeeze similar a proficient milk bone.   1/2 loving cup peanut butter 1/2 loving cup canned pumpkin  3 tablespoons honey 1/3 loving cup water 1 egg 2 cups flour This is a rattling thick dough, hence you'll quest a heavy duty mixer (I operate my stand upwards mixer). Mix the peanut butter, pumpkin, honey, H2O together with