
Showing posts with the label COMFORT FOOD

Cinnamon Curl Cake (5 Star!!)

Oh my goodness, this cake is beyond perfect. It has that wonderful gustation that you only discovery in the "center part" of a skillful cinnamon curlicue (does that brand sense?). The kickoff fourth dimension I tried it, I was compelled to unopen my eyes together with bask it inward consummate was THAT good. The cake is quick together with tardily to brand together with it is i of those swell recipes that tastes good (even better) on solar daytime 2 together with 3 (if it lasts that long).It would live a large crowd-pleaser for ANY occasion.     2 1/3 cups all role flour 1  TABLESPOON baking powder 3/4 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar 1/2 cup butter flavored Crisco (see note) Put the higher upwardly ingredients inward the nutrient processor together with procedure until the mixture looks form of similar wet-ish sand. Remove from nutrient processor together with house inward mixing bowl. To the higher upwardly mixture, add: 3/4

Crockpot Brusk Rib Tacos

Today's post service came virtually ane solar daytime when I had but about BONELESS beef brusque ribs thawed out as well as I had no clue what to usage alongside them.  I decided to make boneless brusque rib tacos as well as they were SO GOOD, I volition definitely hold out making these again!! Start alongside 2½ pounds of BONELESS beef brusque ribs. I'm certain every butcher store has their version, but the ones I purpose await similar this as well as they are virtually 1/2" thick: In a modest cup, mix iii teaspoons of chili powder, 1 teaspoon of dry reason cumin (don't exit that out), 1 teaspoon of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of dark pepper, 1/4 teaspoon of oregano as well as 1 tablespoon of dry out onion flakes. Mix good as well as sprinkle both sides of the meat evenly every bit possible ( no require to dark-brown the meat!!)    Put the seasoned meat inwards the crockpot inwards unmarried layer as well as piece of occupation past times alongside a four ounce

Easy Crockpot Chicken Too Noodles

Crockpot chicken in addition to noodles is pure comfort nutrient inwards our home. Easy in addition to inexpensive, it pleases everyone.........even picky-picky hubby !! This is 1 of those super yummy recipes that simply doesn't photograph well......... but trust me, it's GOOOOOOD !!! 1 pound of boneless-skinless chicken breast 2  10.75 ounce cans of cream of chicken soup 4 cups of chicken broth or stock 1 small-scale onion diced 1 loving cup chopped celery 1 large carrot grated 1 loving cup peas 1/4 teaspoon dark pepper Flat broad egg noodles Spray your Crockpot alongside a trivial cooking spray to brand cleanup easier. This recipe (as written) requires a prissy large Crockpot. If yous entirely conduct maintain a smaller one, simply brand one-half of the recipe. Dice the onion in addition to celery in addition to grate the carrot. Sautee inwards a trivial butter until the onions in addition to celery soften a little. Put the sautéed veggies, soup, broth in

Mac Too Cheese Bites

This is such a fun (and easy) recipe. It is bully for kids parties or teen parties as well as you lot tin fifty-fifty jazz them upward for adult appetizers. They remain warm for quite a while, but are fifty-fifty tasty at room temperature (nice as well as creamy). Mildly seasoned for picky toddlers (perfect size), or add together a picayune aught yesteryear using one-half cheddar as well as one-half pepper jack cheese and/or bacon bits. 1/2 pound elbow macaroni 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 1  1/2 cups milk 2 cups shredded sudden cheddar cheese (divided) 2 ounces cream cheese 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper small pinch of cayenne 1 beaten egg Boil the elbow macaroni inwards SALTED H2O for 8 minutes, hence drain as well as laid aside. Preheat oven to 400° as well as spray MINI muffin pan alongside cooking spray. Note: Salting the H2O is important. If you lot don't you lot volition cause got to growth the total of tabular array salt inwards the sau

Meat-Less Spaghetti

My picky-picky hubby is a "meat too potatoes" human being through too through. If a repast doesn't  center  around meat.....well, he doesn't telephone band it a existent meal.  That's why I came upwards alongside this "Meat-less Spaghetti" (for myself) to counter hubby's "steak night". It is full COMFORT FOOD !!! 1/4 loving cup olive oil 1 medium sweetness onion (chopped) (2) 14.5 ounce cans diced tomatoes (Italian style) 1/2 teaspoon garlic pulverisation ( not  garlic  salt ) pinch of cayenne pepper  (see banker's complaint below) 1/2 teaspoon kosher tabular array salt (see banker's complaint below) 2 teaspoons dry out basil leaves 2 teaspoons sugar 1/4 teaspoon dark pepper 8 ounces push mushrooms 12 ounces spaghetti noodles Saute chopped onion inwards the olive crude oil until they expect kind of transparent too odour "sweet-ish". Put cooked onions (don't drain) inwards a larg

Microwave Velveeta Mac As Well As Cheese

If you lot similar "Velveeta Mac too Cheese" out of the box (the 1 alongside the foil pouch of cheese sauce) you lot volition dear this recipe. I know some  food snobs  will plough their olfactory organ upward at processed cheese too that's OK; I don't purpose it real oftentimes either. However, it DOES brand the creamiest macaroni too cheese ever!! This recipe is develop to swallow in  a flash too everyone loves it. It is 100% COMFORT FOOD!!!   2 cups of elbow macaroni  6 ounces * of Velveeta cheese (cubed)  1 loving cup sharp cheddar cheese (shredded) 3/4 loving cup milk   Gently boil two cups of elbow macaroni (in UN salted water) for almost 8 minutes. While noodles are boiling, seat the cubed Velveeta too milk into a microwave condom bowl too microwave it on high for 1 minute. Stir it too seat it dorsum inwards the microwave for around other minute. Remove from oestrus too stir/whisk until the mixture is overnice a smooth. Keep inward

Pork Too Pintos Inwards Gravy

This recipe is really easy, totally delicious together with rated as pure comfort nutrient inward our house. Fork tender pork tenderloin amongst pinto beans inward a delicious gravy AND it all goes together inward the crockpot!! I similar to serve this over rice, but it is as as tasty stuffed into warm flour tortillas, or over a bed of toasted tortilla chips together with smothered amongst cheese, avocado together with sour cream. The possibilities are ENDLESS which is a (very) practiced thing.  I similar to role a two pound pork tenderloin for this recipe because it is squeamish together with lean, but whatever (lean) 2-3 pound pork roast volition work. My crockpot is a large oval 1 together with it tends to run a niggling hot, hence the beans inward this recipe are cooked together with the pork is "fall apart tender" inward v hours on the depression setting. Depending on YOUR crockpot, it could accept as many as seven hours on low, but that is unlikely,  just fir

Potluck Rigatoni

This rich, delicious, total flavored Rigatoni IS the first  entrée that people caput for at ANY potluck or gathering. It will feed five or vi people depending on their appetite. The recipe doubles (even triples) well. 1 pound thin solid set down beef 1 loving cup onion chopped 1 clove garlic minced 14 ounce tin crushed tomatoes 1 fourteen ounce tin water 6 ounce tin Lycopersicon esculentum paste 8 ounce tin Lycopersicon esculentum sauce 1 tablespoon carbohydrate (don't larn out out) 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper (don't larn out out) 2 teaspoons dry out basil leaves  1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds (don't larn out out) 1 teaspoon dry out oregano leaves 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1/4 teaspoon dark pepper 1/2 loving cup grated Parmesan cheese  Mozzarella cheese grated (as much equally you lot like) Rigatoni noodles (eyeball this sum - nearly 8 ounces) Cook the chopped onion inwards a tablespoon of vegetable fossil oil for nearly five minutes or until it starts to sc