
Showing posts with the label KITCHEN TIPS

Freezing Extra Buttermilk

  OUT OF BUTTERMILK FOR BISCUITS ???       How many times have you tried a recipe that calls for 1 loving cup of buttermilk but they exclusively sell it inward quarts?  Usually (at my solid anyway) the unused/extra buttermilk sits (forgotten) inward the dorsum of the refrigerator until its "use by" appointment has expired, but that is directly a affair of the past. Since I discovered how good buttermilk freezes, I ever have it inward the house. The exclusively play tricks is to freeze it in small  containers thus that it thaws quickly. The smallest container I tried was  my H2O ice cube tray. After they are frozen, only seat them inward a freezer pocketbook together with carefully score what's inward the bag:     Ice cube trays are non a criterion size. I accept ane that measures two tablespoons per cube together with ane that measures 1½ tablespoons per cube, thus cash inward one's chips on that inward heed when you lot are thawing out the cube

Handy Kitchen Tips

I honey handy kitchen tips, don't you?  I don't know how many times I've had i of those Homer Simpson "D'oh!!" moments when I encounter something that I never idea of...yet seems thence this tip: Did yous know that the plastic lid from a Parmesan container volition likewise jibe a regular mouth bricklayer jar?  How handy is that !?!?? This side past times side tip is super handy for gift wrapping season, never accept to "find" the destination of the tape....D'ho!! Did yous know that cranberry sauce freezes well? We are empty nesters too I abhor opening a tin bathroom of cranberry sauce, (or worse yet...make it) too and then non live able to purpose it all.  I works life that if yous pose it inwards a bricklayer appal (with enough of caput room) it freezes well. It never freezes solid, thence yous tin bathroom scoop out what yous necessitate (completely frozen it is yet the consistency of H2O ice cream) too and the

Toasted Saltine Trick

WHICH ONE OF THESE SALTINE CRACKERS WOULD YOU RATHER EAT? Me too!!!!!   This isn't actually a recipe, simply it is such a quick as well as tardily kitchen trick, that I had to portion it.   Recently, I noticed that my saltines tasted like..........nothing!! They were pale as well as flavorless (even the skillful character brands), when did that happen?   So I ready out to run across if I could bring my crackers dorsum to life in the oven. I was shocked at how quick as well as tardily (and effective) it was to do!!     Lay some crackers on a dry out cookie canvass as well as seat them under a pre-heated broiler for nearly xxx seconds or so, flip them over as well as create the same on the other side, simply spotter them because ane time they offset to plow golden, they larn nighttime fast. You don't select to toast both sides, simply in that place is to a greater extent than season if you lot do.   There are a ane G k uses for these toasted crack