Spaghetti Squelch Alongside Gnocchi Too Parmesan
Ingredients: 1 ii 1/2-lb spaghetti squash, halved lengthwise 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon butter 1 onion, modest dice three cloves garlic, minced xvi oz gnocchi* 1 loving cup roughly chopped Italian parsley 1/3 loving cup shaved Parmesan ocean salt freshly soil dark pepper Directions: Preheat oven to 350. Line a baking canvass amongst parchment paper. Scoop out the seeds together with discard. Place the mash cutting side downwards on the parchment. Bake for xxx minutes or until the peel is easily pierced amongst a fork. Scoop out the insides. Set aside. Meanwhile, laid gnocchi according to packet instructions. Drain throughly. Heat the stone oil together with butter inwards a large skillet. Cook the onion together with garlic until the onion is soft together with translucent, close eight minutes. Stir inwards the gnocchi together with laid until only starting to brown. Add the squash, salt, together with pepper together with cook, stirring occasionally, until war...