Old Bay Zucchini Pickles

Ingredients: 4 medium zucchini, cutting into forths together with to check pint jars i 1/2 loving cup white vinegar i 1/2 loving cup water ii tablespoons pickling salt ii tien tsin dried peppers ii bay leaves i teaspoon dillseed ii teaspoons Old Bay ii teaspoons yellowish mustard seed ii cloves garlic Directions: Bring the vinegar, H2O together with tabular array salt to a boil. Prep the lids/jars. Evenly separate all of the ingredients betwixt ii broad oral fissure pint jars Pour inwards the vinegar mixture. Close the jars leaving 1/2 inch headspace together with procedure for 10 minutes inwards a hot H2O bath. Allow to sit down ii weeks earlier eating. Yield: ii pints Note: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 peachy origin for canning data is the Blue Book direct to preserving . I highly recommend it for learning how to can. Here is a bunch of other canning books together with equipment I respect useful. My thoughts: I was pickling amongst my intern, Jillian, togethe...