
Showing posts with the label RECIPES FOR TWO

Apple Crisp For Two

YUMMMMM!!! Click on photo I telephone telephone this "Apple Crisp for Two", although I gauge that is a chip of a misnomer. It genuinely makes iii large desserts (if you lot include the H2O ice cream). I gauge I should accept called it "Apple crisp for 2 (and a footling to a greater extent than for later)" 😇    We honey a practiced fruit crisp alongside a slightly crunchy (but not HARD crunchy) topping in addition to lots of gooey filling. That perfectly describes this dessert. It is ane of the best crisps we've tried inwards years!!!!! APPLE LAYER 2 large Granny Smith apples (see note) ¼ loving cup granulated sugar ¼ loving cup brownish sugar 1 tablespoon all role flour ¼ teaspoon cinnamon pinch of nutmeg (optional) Peel, amount in addition to thinly spell the apples. Toss alongside the inwards a higher house ingredients in addition to house inwards a greased baking dish (I utilization a 9" x 5" loaf pan). Sprinkle 2 tablespo

Apple Pie Cheesecake For Two

This is a wonderful (and super easy) dessert to operate yesteryear off that romantic Valentine dinner for ii (and you can become inwards all ahead of time!!).  It is a creamy cheesecake, topped alongside a warm apple tree pie filling as well as mutual frigidness whipped of the best!! Preheat your oven to 325°F, as well as work a mini-loaf pan (6"x3"x2") alongside foil, thence lightly spray the foil alongside cooking spray. CRUST 1/4  loving cup graham cracker crumbs 2    teaspoons sugar 2    teaspoons melted butter 1    tablespoon chopped pecans pinch of cinnamon Mix good as well as press into the bottom of your prepared mini-loaf pan. CHEESECAKE FILLING 4 ounces cream cheese at room temperature 3 tablespoons sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 teaspoons flour 1 large egg white Beat the cream cheese, saccharide as well as vanilla until real smooth; mix inwards the flour and egg white as well as vanquish only until smoothen (takes

Biscuits For 2

Mary, over at One Perfect Bite of late posted a recipe for "Biscuits for two". What a nifty persuasion for unmarried people, for pocket-size families in addition to empty-nesters alike.  I can't say you lot how many biscuits I've thrown away because they got stale earlier nosotros could swallow them all, but non anymore!!  This recipe is excellent; give thank you lot you Mary!! This quick in addition to tardily recipe makes 4 delicious biscuits. 1 loving cup all role flour 2 1/2  teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar 1/4 loving cup shortening (I used COLD butter) 1/2 loving cup 2% milk Preheat oven to 450° (I baked mine at 400°) in addition to grease a baking sheet. Mix the dry out ingredients together, in addition to thus cutting inwards the shortening (or mutual frigidity butter) until it looks similar coarse crumbs. Add milk in addition to stir only until everything is moistened. T

Butterscotch Cheesecake For Two

  This recipe makes the perfect amount for two  perfect size desserts. It is smooth, creamy, rich in addition to it has a serious butterscotch flavor. I volition definitely last making this i often. PREPARE PAN:   Preheat your oven to 325F. Line a mini-loaf pan (6" x 3" x2") alongside foil in addition to spray alongside cooking spray. Leave the ends of the foil long plenty that y'all tin pick out cause got of onto them. You volition last using these "foil handles" to elevator the chilled cheesecake out of the pan for easier serving. CRUST ½ loving cup graham cracker crumbs 1 tablespoon brownish sugar 1 tablespoons butter (melted) Mix all in addition to pat into the bottom of a prepared  mini-loaf pan. CHEESECAKE ½ loving cup butterscotch chips 4 ounces of cream cheese (room temperature) 2 tablespoons nighttime brownish sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ½ teaspoon rum extract 1 egg (room temperature) Melt the butterscotch chips in add

Lemon Meringue Pie For Two

Whether you lot are empty nesters, similar us, or you lot alone bring a twosome of people to develop for; "recipes for two" are great!! Not alone exercise they eliminate the temptation for 2nd third helpings, but they are excellent for those times when you lot don't experience similar eating the same total size dessert all week!! This recipe makes 2 perfect (single serving size) lemon meringue pies, 1 of picky-picky husbands favorites. CRUST 1/3 loving cup all role flour 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon  mutual frigidness shortening (I utilisation butter flavored) 1 tablespoon mutual frigidness butter 1/2 teaspoon white sugar 1 tablespoon mutual frigidness water Mix all of the dry out ingredients inwards a minor bowl; cutting the mutual frigidness shortening too butter into the dry out ingredients until it is almost "half of a pea" size. Stir inwards the mutual frigidness H2O too mix into a ball (don't over work). Divide dough inwards half. Any

Old Fashioned Vanilla Pudding For Two

One of my newest projects, is to endeavour as well as "adjust" my onetime "tried as well as true" recipes (which feed an army) into recipes for 2 people. There are a lot of us "empty nesters " as well as unmarried people who create non take a whole pie, or a whole casserole for this winter, I volition live posting a few of my "trimmed down" recipes. . Today's recipe for two, is a practiced onetime fashioned vanilla pudding. It is quick, slowly as well as uses elementary ingredients. What a prissy agency to complete off whatsoever quick meal. . 1 loving cup 2% milk 2 tablespoons white sugar 1 tablespoon corn starch 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 egg yolk, lightly beaten inward small-scale bowl 1½ teaspoon butter ½ teaspoon practiced vanilla extract . In a heavy bottomed sauce pan, mix the offset four ingredients good as well as laid upward (and stir)over medium oestrus until it comes to a boil. After it comes to a boil, trim down

Peach Crisp For Two

This is a perfect sum of dessert for but 2 people. It is quick, tardily in addition to tastes divine over a scoop of H2O ice cream!! 2 medium sized peaches, peeled in addition to diced 1 teaspoon flour 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (see banking enterprise complaint below) 1 teaspoon sugar Mix the inwards a higher house ingredients gently, until peaches are good covered, in addition to thus separate evenly into 2 modest (greased) baking dishes in addition to ready aside. In some other modest bowl, mix: 2 tablespoons brownish sugar 3 tablespoons oats 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon butter (or kokosnoot oil) Using a fork, mix the inwards a higher house ingredients until they are kind of clumpy, for lack of a improve description (the butter pieces should be about the size of a modest pea). Crumble lightly over the peaches. Bake inwards preheated 375° oven for 15-20 minutes or until golden in addition to crisp. Serve over H2O ice cream or allow it cool a piffling in ad

Six Mini Cheesecakes

As empty nesters, we are easily overloaded by a amount size cheesecake, thence I conduct keep been experimenting. I lastly got it downwards to  six cupcake size cheesecakes which suits us perfectly. These little guys ALWAYS plough out cracks, no sink hole inward the center too they are smooth, rich and addicting!! Place 6 foil (or paper) cupcake liners inward a cupcake pan. Preheat your oven to 325°. CRUST 1/3  loving cup graham cracker crumbs 2    teaspoons sugar 2    teaspoons melted butter Mix together too split upwardly evenly betwixt the 6 cupcake liners, too press the crumbs into a flat layer. FILLING 8 ounces of amount fatty cream cheese (room temperature) 6 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 4 teaspoons flour 2 large egg whites Beat the room temperature cream cheese amongst electrical mixer for 3 minutes. Add the saccharide too rhythm out for roughly other 2 minutes. Add the vanilla, flour too egg whites too mix until good in

Strawberry Cheesecake For Two

I position iii recipes together, to come upwards up amongst this dessert for two . It has a shortbread cookie crust, a creamy cheesecake layer together with it is topped amongst a  jelled strawberry topping. The contrast betwixt the smoothen vanilla cheesecake together with the juicy strawberries was excellent!!!     COOKIE CRUST 1/4 cup all role flour 1 tablespoon powdered sugar 2 tablespoons butter a pinch of baking powder Mix the dry out ingredients together with cutting inward the butter. Press, evenly, onto the bottom of a greased foil lined mini-loaf  (6" x 3" x 2"). See of import banknote below. Bake the cookie crust inward preheated 375 oven for 10-12 minutes or only until it starts to plough golden. Set aside to cool. CHEESECAKE FILLING 4 ounces of cream cheese (room temperature) 3 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons all role flour 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1 egg white (room temperature) Beat the cream cheese, sugar, flour and vanilla until smooth.

White Chocolate & Raspberry Cheesecake For Two

If yous are looking for a exceptional dessert for two, this is it. This recipe has several steps, exactly they are all very easy in addition to the concluding production is totally delicious . What a means to function past times off a romantic meal!! Preheat your oven to 325 in addition to draw of piece of job a mini-loaf pan (6" 10 3" 10 2") amongst foil. The foil volition help yous elevator the baked cheesecake out of the pan later it is chilled, thus brand the foil ends long plenty to select lead maintain of on to. Spray amongst vegetable spray in addition to ready aside. Make the raspberry sauce: In a sauce pan, estrus upwardly 1 loving cup of raspberries (I used frozen) in addition to ¼ loving cup of white sugar. Bring to a simmer in addition to squash the berries equally they cook. When berries are all soft, thicken amongst a slurry of 1 tablespoon corn starch mixed amongst 1 tablespoon water. Stir until berries are prissy a thick. Press through fine networ