
Showing posts with the label TEX-MEX RECIPES

Chipotle Coleslaw

This is a quick side dish for today’s Cinco de Mayo dinner. It has traditional coleslaw veggies amongst only a slight twist on the dressing. 1/3 loving cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon limejuice 2 teaspoons honey ¼ teaspoon lay down cumin 1/8 to ¼ teaspoon lay down chipotle chile pepper 3 cups shredded greenish cabbage ½ loving cup chopped cerise cabbage 1/3 loving cup chopped cerise onion ¾ loving cup chopped cerise (or yellow) bell pepper 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro (optional) Stir together mayonnaise, juice, honey, cumin together with lay down chipotle pepper (set aside). Combine remaining ingredients, pour chipotle dressing over, together with toss to mix. Serve at ane time (or chill upwardly to 24 hours).  

Crock Pot Refried Beans For A Crowd

I stimulate got been tweaking this recipe for a few years together with I finally stimulate got it only the agency nosotros similar it. It is i of those groovy recipes that you lot dump everything inwards the tedious cooker together with hold back for the magic.  Canned refried beans only don't "do it" for us subsequently trying this one. Honestly, I could only consume this amongst a spoon correct out of the tedious cooker...forget the toppings. The lastly refried beans freeze amazingly well. 1 medium sweetness onion (cut inwards half, no postulate to chop) 3 cups of rinsed (and sorted) DRY pinto beans (don't soak) 2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. dark pepper 3 tsp. chili powder 6 slices of crisp bacon (crumbled) 1 tsp. set down cumin (1) four ounce tin give notice light-green mild chile's ½ fresh jalapeno (seeded together with chopped)(more if you lot similar heat) 9 cups H2O (water should live near 3" to 4" higher upward the beans) Put everything inwards th

Easy Peasy Taco Sauce

This is a cracking "all around" taco sauce.  It is a LOT similar the mild taco sauce at Taco Bell in addition to it is made from ingredients that are inwards EVERYONE's pantry.  The alone "trick" is that it's best to allow it chill inwards the refrigerator overnight to educate that cracking taste!! As for "degree of heat"......this i is A-OK amongst teens AND picky-picky husband, in addition to then it is fairly mild. If y'all desire to a greater extent than heat, add together extra cayenne pepper. 16 ounce Lycopersicon esculentum sauce 2/3 loving cup water 2 tablespoons white vinegar 1 tablespoon soil cumin 2 teaspoons onion powder 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon garlic salt 1/2 teaspoon chili powder 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper (this volition order y'all a mild heat) Mix together inwards heavy saucepan in addition to simmer gently for fifteen minutes or only until it is slightl

Green Chile Pork Loin Roast

We beloved this recipe, non exclusively because it is slow together with tasty, but because of it's splendid leftover possibilities. Green chile roast leftovers brand bully mutual depression temperature sandwiches or it tin sack live torn apart together with tucked (hot) into warm tortillas (with a footling chip of the chile gravy & some pepperjack cheese) for a bully leftover transformation (it is ane of those recipes that tastes fifty-fifty ameliorate on twenty-four hr menses two). 4 pound boneless pork loin roast 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 7 ounce tin sack of Ortega burn roasted greenish chiles 1 tablespoon chili powder 1 teaspoon set down cumin ¼ teaspoon dry out cherry pepper flakes 1 teaspoon onion powder ½ teaspoon garlic pulverisation (not salt) ½ teaspoon dark pepper 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon chocolate-brown sugar 1 Reynolds roasting purse + 1 tablespoon flour Place the tablespoon of flour inwards the roasting purse together with milk tremble it simp

Heidi's Mexican Pork Chops

Recently, Heidi, from Tried-and-True Cooking With Heidi , posted a recipe for Mexican Pork Chops. I'm ever searching for unproblematic pork recipes together with this i caught my eye. It was a snap to brand together with tasted great, give cheers you lot Heidi!! seasoning mix from my end post , (before I browned them). I used this same "taco seasoning" inwards the rice. . NOTE: I used chopped red bell pepper (instead of light-green pepper) because nosotros similar it better. I likewise mixed it into the rice (instead of putting it on meridian of the meat together with rice). I likewise added a xv ounce tin of (rinsed together with drained) dark beans to the rice. NOTE: Just earlier I serve this, side past times side time, I'm going to sprinkle it alongside a niggling chopped avocado together with cherry tomatoes.

Roasted Dark-Green Chili Peppers

I possess got ever used commercially roasted light-green chili's, but of late discovered that they are loaded amongst salt, thus I started roasting fresh ones. Poblano in addition to Anaheim peppers are pretty spicy when raw, but when y'all roast them, they plow real mellow in addition to delicious. They are 1 of those roasted veggies that y'all tin give the sack "put inwards anything" in addition to it adds simply a piffling extra zing to whatever Mexican recipe. I dear them inwards chili, tacos, rice, enchiladas, etc. There are thus many dissimilar peppers inwards the marketplace these days, simply brand certain y'all expect for Poblano or Anaheim (they are MUCH larger than the small-scale spicy peppers similar jalapenos). Personally, I similar Anaheim peppers because they are identical to the canned Ortega mild light-green chile's (in a can), but of course of report they gustatory modality ameliorate because they are fresh.         Po

Super Tardily Flour Tortillas

I throw away a lot of tortillas, do you? I usage v or half dozen out of a parcel and freeze the residuum amongst practiced intentions of using them later, but I never do. Before long they are covered amongst H2O ice crystals as well as hiding in a dark corner in the freezer. So I of late decided to instruct myself how to brand flour tortillas. I was pleased to notice that they are real slow to brand inward the nutrient processor as well as real cheap equally well. They too gustatory modality worlds ameliorate than the ones from the store, I promise!! It is similar the deviation betwixt shop staff of life as well as staff of life out of the oven. This recipe makes (8) 8" tortillas 1+3/4 loving cup all piece of job flour 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons canola or vegetable crude oil (see banknote below) 1/2 loving cup of hot tap water In a nutrient processor, house the flour, baking powder, tabular array salt as well as vegetable oil.  Pulse