Marshmallow Lovers Rice Krispie Treats

Ingredients: half dozen loving cup crisped rice cereal (aka Rice Krispies) 1 loving cup evidently or multicolored mini dehydrated vanilla marshmallows* half dozen tablespoons butter ii 10-oz bags mini marshmallows 1 teaspoon vanilla Directions: Butter a 9x13 inch pan. Set aside. In a large bowl, toss together the cereal together with dehydrated marshmallows. Set aside. In a large, heavy-bottomed pan, melt the butter. Stir inward 1 1/2 bags marshmallows together with vanilla. Stir until they are fully melted. Turn the rut to the lowest setting. Stir inward the cereal mixture. Remove from rut together with stir inward the remaining one-half pocketbook of mini marshmallows. Immediately scrape into the prepared baking dish. Very gently, smoothen it out thence it is an fifty-fifty layer without pressing downwardly together with compressing the mixture. Allow to cool at room temperature until theatre plenty to cutting into squares. Turn out the dish together with cutting ...