Best Turkey Gravy E'er !!

There are three reasons nosotros LOVE this turkey gravy. First of all, it is rich, savory and has a delicious concentrated turkey season (the form that you CAN NOT larn from a bundle or a jar). Secondly, you tin make this gravy a solar daytime ahead of time and escape those "last minute" vacation scheduling conflicts or the dreaded "I require simply ane to a greater extent than stove burner" issues. Thirdly, the recipe makes plenty for a large turkey dinner AND plenty for those scrumptious "day two" hot turkey sandwiches!! It may audio similar this recipe makes a ton of gravy, but don't forget that the liquid "cooks down" for an hour, therefore genuinely you'll halt upwardly alongside close 5 cups of practiced rich gravy , which is simply perfect. 6 turkey wings (or iv turkey drumsticks) 2 small onions (or 1 large) peeled too quartered 1 loving cup water 2 quarts turkey broth (divided) (chicken...