Deviled Potatoes

Ingredients: two lbs babe Yukon Gold potatoes, halved horizonally three tablespoons mayonnaise one 1/2 tablespoon Dijon 4-5 cornichons ocean salt freshly solid soil pepper smoked paprika olive oil Directions: Preheat oven to 350. Line a baking sail amongst parchment paper. Lightly toss the potatoes amongst olive oil. Roast the potatoes, cutting side upward for xx minutes or until fork tender. Allow to cool. Use a melon baller or standard spoon to scoop out the pump of each potato, leaving well-nigh 1/4 inch border. Place the white patato pulp inwards a bowl or mini chopper in addition to add together remaining ingredients. Pulse until smooth. Spoon inwards the middle of each white patato shell. Sprinkle amongst paprika, if desired. My thoughts: I had the regard to brand deviled egg-style potatoes for Apr Fool's Day only thus I regard they'd brand a amend Easter treat. It was a footling tricky to respect the perfect potatoes only if you lot are less pic...