Grilled Scallops Amongst Ruddy Tomatoes Together With Zucchini

1 medium zucchini, cutting into bite-sized pieces
iii shishito peppers
two cups cherry tomatoes (I used Sunday Gold)
1 modest onion, sliced into quarter satelite slices
1 lb large scallops, patted dry
Florida seasoning or lemon pepper


Lightly petroleum a grill pan together with heat. Arrange the vegetables inwards a unmarried layer. Sprinkle amongst seasoning together with grill until the peppers blister together with the zucchini is fully cooked. Remove to a bowl together with cover.  Add the scallops on the grill, sprinkle amongst seasoning together with ready 1-2 minutes on each side or until cooked through. Serve immediately.

My thoughts:
This is i of those meals that I made from pulling together random materials I had inwards the identify yet turned out actually great. My woman bring upwards had given me about yellowish cherry tomatoes she grew, nosotros had zucchini together with I convey had these scallops inwards the freezer forever. They defrosted apace together with grilled upwards actually well! The juices from the vegetables made a calorie-free sauce together with the whole repast was actually flavorful yet made inwards nether xx minutes. I convey actually missed grilling this twelvemonth then I convey rediscovered my grill pan (I convey this one together with it cleans upwards together with grills similar a dream) together with convey been real pleased amongst the results. It caramelized the ingredients apace together with easily. I nonetheless immature lady grilling exterior (go away, rain, humidity and high heat!) simply it does help satisfy my cravings a bit.

 Arrange the vegetables inwards a unmarried layer Grilled Scallops amongst Cherry Tomatoes together with Zucchini


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