Honeycrisp Apple Tree Pulled Pork

1 large onion, sliced into half-moons
1 1/2 lb honeycrisp apples, sliced
ii 1/2 lb boneless pork butt
12 oz bottle chili sauce (like Heinz)
1 teaspoon terra firma mustard (powder)
1 teaspoon cayenne
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon granulated garlic
body of body of water salt
freshly terra firma dark pepper

Place the onions together with apples inward the bottom of a 4-quart tiresome cooker. Place the pork roast on exceed of the onion. Add the remaining ingredients over the pork. Cover together with create on high four hours thence on depression for four hours. OR create 9-10 hours on low. Remove the roast together with shred amongst forks or "meat claws".  Discard whatever unwanted chunks of fat.

Mash the onions together with apple tree mixture inward the tiresome cooker until nearly completely smooth.

Return the shredded meat to the tiresome cooker together with toss amongst sauce. Serve on rolls or bread.

My thoughts:
It's apple tree flavor again! I am non a huge fan of autumn every bit y'all may remember from nearly every post service this fourth dimension of twelvemonth from 2004 to today. I similar somethings nigh fall--when it is nevertheless hammock weather, apples, by together with large less humidity, baking i time again afterward avoiding the oven inward my non-centrally air-conditioned home, deciding if I am brave plenty to wearable a poncho--but I don't similar knowing that my to the lowest degree favorite flavor is coming, it getting dark early, no fresh tomatoes worth eating, no nectarines, colder temperatures. Blah! But I exercise love apples together with my fruit consumption goes agency upward inward autumn because they are thence slow together with slap-up to eat.

My all-time favorite apple tree is the Stayman-Winesap only for a sweetness apple, y'all can't vanquish the Honeycrisp. It is inward fact, crisp together with sweetness similar honey. They too tin last huge! I literally solely used i apple tree for this recipe! It was that big! This recipe is super simple, y'all don't accept to exercise a lot of prep together with it basically makes its ain apple-y barbecue sauce every bit the meat cooks. The halt effect is melt inward your rima oris tender pork that is redolent of spices together with apples. The perfect autumn weeknight dinner.

 Place the onions together with apples inward the bottom of a  Honeycrisp Apple Pulled Pork


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