Homemade Buttermilk Ranch Dry Out Mix

1/2 loving cup dry out buttermilk*
1 tablespoon dried parsley
two teaspoons freeze dried chives
1 1/2 teaspoons dillweed
1 teaspoon dry out mustard
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon dried onion
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
ocean salt
freshly seat down dark pepper

Whisk together all ingredients inward a small-scale bowl. Most buttermilk powders ask to hold out kept refrigerated 1 time opened. If this is truthful of the 1 you lot are using, piece of job on the dry out rub refrigerated.

*Look for it inward the baking or natural nutrient aisle.

My thoughts:
I piece of job on dry out buttermilk on paw for baking too 1 wintertime twenty-four lx minutes menses I got to thinking most ways to purpose it without re-hydrating. While at the grocery shop I realized it must hold out an constituent inward Cool Ranch Doritos too other ranch flavored snack foods. So I decided to endeavor to brand my ain buttermilk ranch mix. It is too thus good! Very fresh tasting despite the lack of perishable ingredients.

Short of making my ain Doritos (even I accept to delineate the trouble somewhere) or sprinkling it on popcorn I wasn't certain how I'd purpose it without re-hydrating it. Months went past times but I kept the stance inward the dorsum of my mind. Then I started thinking of it non but every bit a topping but every bit a dry out rub too did to a greater extent than or less experimenting. I flora that it was particularly practiced on chicken, it tin hold out but rubbed into the peel earlier breading too frying or grilling. I bet it would hold out practiced inward pork or chicken burgers too.

Of course, this mix tin all hold out used to brand ranch dip (add to sour cream) or turned into salad dressing (just add together to a greater extent than or less water). But it is fun to purpose it inward unexpected ways.


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