Weenie Mac & Cheesy (Macaroni & Cheese Amongst A Hot Domestic Dog Surprise)

 Add the flour along amongst a sprinkle of tabular array salt in addition to pepper Weenie Mac & Cheesy (Macaroni & Cheese amongst a Hot Dog Surprise)

ii large hot dogs cutting into 1/4 inch thick rounds
ii cups evaporated milk*
ii cups shredded extra sudden cheddar
1/3 loving cup panko
iii tablespoons butter
iii tablespoons flour
ii tablespoons Dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 lb macaroni or (my favorite)cellentani, cooked

For the béchamel: In a medium pan, melt the butter. Add the flour along amongst a sprinkle of tabular array salt in addition to pepper, cayenne in addition to stir until smooth. Add the milk in addition to mustard in addition to whisk until slightly thickened. Whisk inwards the cheeses until smooth. Stir inwards the hot domestic dog slices. Pour over the drained pasta. Pour into lightly oiled baking dish. Top amongst a sprinkle of panko. Bake covered almost fifteen minutes, thus uncover in addition to laid until hot in addition to bubbly, almost 10-15 additional minutes.

Yield: almost 4-6 (meal sized) servings

* Most cans of evaporated milk entirely yield almost 1 3/4 cups. Make upward the residuum amongst regular milk.

Note: Avoid using hot dogs amongst a rattling high obese content or your macaroni in addition to cheese volition hold out unappetizingly greasy equally it bakes in addition to the hot dogs issue their juices.

My thoughts:
Don't tell anyone where y'all got this recipe! While it is super tasty, it is also rather embarrassing to acknowledge that y'all non entirely made it but that were no children were introduce to utilisation equally an excuse. My mom had made mac in addition to cheese amongst hot dogs (although non quite this version) when I was a kid a twain of times. I intend she saw the proposition inwards a periodical because it wasn't just our park fare. Anyway, I was telling my hubby almost the disappointing casserole mass I had read in addition to I revealed that I had eaten this somewhat dubious dish; the closest to a casserole I e'er had growing up. He was intrigued (we exercise dearest hot dogs) thus when I ended upward amongst a twain flavorful but non besides obese Roseda Beef hot dogs leftover from an before meal, I knew what I had to make.

While the mac in addition to cheese of my childhood was infrequent in addition to consisted merely of macaroni tossed amongst shredded cheese in addition to thus baked, I've grown to savor a chip of creamy sauce. However, I avoid making it amongst the traditional heavy cream, that is a niggling besides rich for me. Instead I utilisation evaporated milk amongst is quite creamy tasting but is also 98% obese free. Regular (2%) milk industrial plant good equally an option if y'all don't bring evaporated on hand. Since I was making macaroni cheese amongst hot dogs I went ahead in addition to added to a greater extent than or less mustard to the sauce. It was a perfect choice, it added a chip of spice in addition to extra sharpness to the cheddar.

I've been getting lot of emails almost inexpensive eats in addition to I am happy to tell this was a rattling filling, rattling budget-friendly meal. While the locally produced hot dogs (bought at Graul's for y'all locals) were on the pricy side ($8 for vi hot dogs), the cheese was almost $2, the evaporated milk was lxxx cents in addition to the pasta was entirely $1. The remaining ingredients were inexpensive staples. Add to a greater extent than or less broccoli ($1 lb) on the side in addition to y'all bring a complete, thrifty meal.


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