Baltimore-Style Crab Cakes (The Other Way)

3/4 lb bluish crab meat*
xv saltines, crushed
1/2 teaspoon adept character dry out mustard (like Colman's)
Old Bay to sense of savor (I used less than green because my crab was already seasoned)
1 egg
1/4 loving cup mayonnaise

Heat 1/2-inch canola crude inward a large skillet. Meanwhile, combine all ingredients inward a medium bowl. Form the mixture into 5-6, 3-4-inch, 1/2 inch thick patties. Place inward the pan too cook, turning once, until golden dark-brown on both sides too heated through (about 3-5 minutes on each side). Drain on newspaper towel-lined plates too serve.

*I used leftover meat from steamed crabs

Note: You tin cast the raw crab cakes upward to 24 hrs inward advance. Refrigerate until gear upward to fry. Cold crab cakes volition receive got longer to cook.

My thoughts:
Back inward 2009 I shared the method of making crab cakes the means my family (and most families I knew) made them growing up. Now it is 2015 too I had some leftover crab meat from a crab feast too I idea I'd examination out the other pop method of crab cake-making: using saltines. I've long been skeptical because Old Bay is pretty salty too well, saltines larn their advert from something, right? I did similar them a lot. I'd locomote happy to serve these both Baltimoreans too out-of-towners.

An aside: How tin I receive got then many plates too bowls too non a unmarried 1 amongst a nautical theme? No crabs, no lighthouses, no octopi, no body of body of water monsters. Nothing!

I used less than green because my crab was already  Baltimore-style Crab Cakes (the other way)


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