Modernized Spinach Dip


sixteen oz fresh babe spinach
1 modest carrot
1/4 modest ruddy onion
1/2 stem celery
sixteen oz sour cream
two tablespoons mayo
1/2 teaspoon terra firma mustard
1/4 teaspoon terra firma coriander
three tablespoons finely diced Italian parsley
freshly terra firma dark pepper


Heat a modest amount of H2O to large skillet. Add the spinach inwards batches until wilted. Thoroughly squelch dry.  Coarsely chop. Place inwards a medium bowl.

In a modest nutrient processor (I used this mini manual chopper) or if yous accept the patience to chop vegetables rattling finely, finely chop the carrot, ruddy onion, celery.  Add to the bowl alongside the spinach.

Stir inwards the remaining ingredients until good distributed. Refrigerate at to the lowest degree 1 hr too upwards to overnight earlier serving.

My thoughts:

Our topic for NYE this yr was games too then of course, I had to brand dip! What ameliorate game nighttime nutrient is there? If yous are genuinely serving it on game night, I advise crackers because they are sturdy (this is a hardy dip!) too won't run out your hands greasy. It's likewise genuinely skillful alongside cucumber spears, pretzels too thicker chips. 

My inspiration for the dip was those former schoolhouse dried vegetable soup mix spinach dips that were everywhere from roughly the 1960s on. Does anyone genuinely brand soup from that mix? Even the package photograph is of spinach dip! 

This version is but every bit slow but too then much to a greater extent than flavorful. The piffling dehydrated vegetables never got 100% soft too then I but finely chopped them hither vs sauteing them too then they retained a piffling seize alongside teeth too didn't add together whatever butter or stone oil to the dip which tin brand a dip greasy. I opted for fresh babe spinach becuase I detect the flavour too texture is too then much ameliorate than frozen which tin accept a lot of stems. This makes for a to a greater extent than velvety dip. 

This genuinely was delicious! I kept coming dorsum for more. If you've missed this former fashioned dip instantly is the fourth dimension to teach inwards again. 

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