Dill Sour Cream Rolls

iii 1/4 cups flour
1/2 loving cup sour cream, at room temperature
1/4 loving cup lukewarm H2O
1/4 loving cup butter, melted together with cooled
1/4 oz active dry out yeast
ii tablespoons minced dill
1/2 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
ii eggs (divided use)

Place H2O inwards a a large mixing bowl, sprinkle alongside yeast, together with allow stand upward five minutes. Add the sour cream, dill, butter, sugar, salt, together with i egg. Mix. Add the flour together with mix (use a stand upward mixer alongside a dough claw for best results) until a slightly glutinous dough forms. If the dough is also dry, add together a flake of milk together with remix. Grease a bowl alongside butter. Cover alongside plastic twine or a tea towel together with allow the dough to double inwards size. Butter a 13x9 inch pan. Divide the dough into 12-15 pieces. Roll each into a ball. Place inwards the baking pan (I ended upward alongside iii rows of five rolls each). Cover alongside plastic twine together with refrigerate overnight. Allow to sit down on the counter until it doubles inwards bulk. Preheat oven to 375. Beat an egg together with brush it over the rolls. Bake for xx minutes or until fully cooked through.

Note: If you lot desire to bake the rolls the same 24-hour interval you lot mix the dough together, but skip the refrigeration pace together with hold on to the 2nd rise.
My thoughts:
Until I made these rolls I had never refrigerated dough overnight earlier baking before. I know it isn't that uncommon of a do (a lot of people electronic mail me virtually my diverse yeast recipes bespeak if at that topographic point is a pace where they tin refrigerate the dough) but since I operate from domicile I've never had much argue to bear witness it out. When I wanted to convey fresh rolls to an early on event, I idea it was the perfect excuse. I am happy to nation it worked perfectly, the dough rose perfectly the adjacent 24-hour interval together with the rolls were light, fluffy together with tender. The dill together with sour cream distich wonderfully together together with convey novel life to the classic dinner whorl without beingness overwhelming or pickle-y. The creamy butter I used from Challenge Dairy laissez passer on the rolls a rich gustation alongside minimal bear witness together with was non bad spread on the rolls themselves.


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