Oven Barbecued Chicken

I made this for the kickoff fourth dimension a distich of weeks agone in addition to it was an instant hitting alongside Picky-Picky husband. As a affair of fact, he gave it a thumbs upward three times earlier the dinner dishes were done (that is almost unheard of).

Basted alongside a maple flavored barbecue sauce; this recipe produces a mildly sweetness in addition to sticky-yummy chicken. Served alongside biscuits in addition to corn on the cob, it is a nifty agency to enjoy barbecue flavor (indoors) during the fast approaching winter season.

Start alongside a overnice large chicken; I commonly purchase whole chickens that are well-nigh 4 pounds.  I carve upward it downwardly the dorsum (removing the backbone) so that y'all tin mail away position it out flat; it cooks really evenly that way.
Place the chicken (rinsed in addition to patted dry) in a baking dish in addition to brush it alongside the next quick-mix sauce:
1/3 loving cup REAL maple syrup (not pancake syrup)
1/3 loving cup ketchup
1 teaspoon (dry) salt free seasoning (I role Penzey's)
pinch of cayenne pepper (more if y'all similar heat)
generous quarter teaspoon dark pepper
1/4 teaspoon liquid smoke
Mix well  in addition to pour over the chicken, making certain it coats everything.  Bake at 350° for  xc minutes*, basting every xxx minutes or so.

Any variety of (dry) salt free seasoning volition work,
we like the Penzey brand


Mildly Sweet in addition to Sticky, but right!!
We similar a whole baked chicken, but I'm sure this would
work good on a cutting upward chicken too.
NOTE: I bake iv pound chickens (at 350°) for well-nigh xc minutes, but the baking fourth dimension for YOUR chicken depends on how big it is.


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