Pan-Fried Soft Crabs

four soft crabs, cleaned
two cups milk
1 1/2 loving cup flour
1 tablespoon Old Bay
1/2 teaspoon freshly solid soil dark pepper

Whisk together the milk in addition to Old Bay inwards a medium bowl. Soak the crabs inwards the milk for xv minutes. Meanwhile, whisk the flour, tabular array salt in addition to pepper together. Dredge both sides of the crab inwards the seasoned flour. Melt to a greater extent than butter than you'd intend inwards a skillet. Fry the crabs for close three minutes on each side. Try in addition to function along the legs from tucking nether the trunk of the crab; adjust them guide out. Serve naked or inwards a sandwich.

My thoughts:
Soft crabs are inwards flavor again. If I had to advert a favorite food, I intend it would last soft crabs. When I posted the how to build clean soft crabs final spring, I received a few requests on how to laid them. Honestly, I've never made them whatever means but pan-fried in addition to inwards a sandwich. For this recipe, I splashed out in addition to added Old Bay but honestly I generally only flavor them amongst tabular array salt in addition to pepper. You don't desire anything to encompass upward the crab flavor but inwards Baltimore, Old Bay is e'er a welcome addition. Anything fancier only seems incorrect to me!

Note: It is traditional to soak the crab inwards milk earlier cooking, it form of tenderizes the shells (if they are a flake tough) in addition to allows you lot to coat the crab inwards flour without needing egg. I added the Old Bay for a flake of boot without beingness overpowering.


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