Pickled Fennel

half-dozen bulbs fennel, inwards 1/4 inch slices
half-dozen bay leaves
four 1/2 cups water
four cups white vinegar
1/3 loving cup pickling salt
1/4 loving cup minced fennel frond
half-dozen cloves garlic
two tablespoons sugar
iii teaspoons dark peppercorns
iii teaspoons fennel seed
iii teaspoons yellowish mustard seeds
ane 1/2 teaspoons fennel seed

Bring the water, vinegar together with common salt to a boil. Prep the lids/jars. Evenly split all of the spices, peppers together with garlic betwixt half-dozen broad oral cavity pint jars. Add the fennel, leaving 1/4 inch headroom.

Pour inwards the vinegar mixture. Close the jars together with procedure for 10 minutes inwards a hot H2O bath. Allow to sit down ane calendar week earlier eating.

Note: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 dandy origin for canning data is the Blue Book direct to preserving. I highly recommend it for learning how to can. Here is a bunch of other canning books together with equipment I notice useful.

My thoughts:
When the squeamish people at Ocean Mist Farms offered to mail me to a greater extent than or less fennel, I was pretty excited. It has been getting easier to purchase fennel inwards recent years only sometimes it looks a footling dodgy at the store. Not this fennel! It was blemish complimentary together with crisp. Unfortunately, I was headed to New Orleans for a few days together with in that place was no agency I would move able to purpose it all upwards earlier I went. So, I decided to pickle it. I am glad I did, it has a potent fennel-anise flavour together with the fennel stayed remarkably crisp together with sweet. Wonderful on a sandwich or salad. It was too delightful on grilled salmon.


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