Pineapple Squares - The Perfect Potluck Dessert

The nifty cooks over at Mennonite Girls Can Cook posted this recipe a few days ago. Their master recipe was for a 9" x 13" pan (I made a pie). It was a piffling soft for a pie, hence side past times side fourth dimension I'm definitely making the 9"x13", but man-o-man is it delicious!!! It is super uncomplicated to throw together in addition to it keeps beautifully inward the refrigerator for iii or iv days. If you lot convey a potluck, describe of piece of job solid unit of measurement gathering, or fellowship coming this weekend, I promise you lot give this recipe a try; it volition endure a large hitting amongst everyone from the piffling guys to Grandpa!!  It is super uncomplicated to throw together in addition to it keeps beautifully inward the refrigerator for  PINEAPPLE SQUARES - THE PERFECT POTLUCK DESSERTCRUST
2½ cups graham cracker crumbs (see note)
½ loving cup melted butter
(I added ¼ loving cup of white sugar)
Mix in addition to press into a 9" x 13" baking dish in addition to bake at 350F for 12 minutes hence cool.
1 box vanilla pudding
2 cups milk
Cook per box directions in addition to spread over cooled crust
NOTE: I used a 3.4 ounce of instant pudding
1 large tin of crushed pineapple drained well
2 cups whipping cream
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons white sugar
Whip the cream, vanilla in addition to saccharide together until you lot larn rigid peaks. Fold inward the pineapple (I squeezed it dry out amongst my hands) hence spread the pineapple-cream over the pudding layer. Chill inward the refrigerator for several hours earlier serving.
 It is super uncomplicated to throw together in addition to it keeps beautifully inward the refrigerator for  PINEAPPLE SQUARES - THE PERFECT POTLUCK DESSERT NOTE: The master recipe on the MGCC site, said to reserve ¼ loving cup of the graham cracker crumbs to sprinkle over the transcend of the pineapple cream layer (for decoration).


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