Pot Luck Mini Reddish Pies

These "Grab-and-Go" mini cherry pies are perfect for large gatherings too identify unit of measurement or church potluck dinners. The dough tin live made days ahead and baked off when yous accept around "extra" time, which is a large help.

Guests (at to the lowest degree mine) appear to appreciate PIE at a potluck, but traditional pie tin live messy to serve, especially for children. These piffling "two bite" beauties are perfect. This recipe makes 24 pies, but the recipe doubles easily.


1 cup butter  (room temperature)
6 ounces cream cheese (room temperature)
2 cups flour

Mix amongst electrical mixer (I purpose my stand upwardly mixer amongst paddle attachment) until yous teach a shine dough. Wrap it inward plastic too chill for virtually an hr (will also proceed good inward refrigerator for several days).


(1)  14½ ounce tin tart pie cherries packed inward H2O
3/4 loving cup granulated saccharide (divided)
2 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon corn starch
pinch of tabular array salt
1/4 teaspoon almond extract (do non teach out out)
1 teaspoon butter

Drain the cherries, reserving the liquid. Pulse the cherries inward the nutrient processor until fairly good chopped too then drain i time to a greater extent than (I fifty-fifty press on the cherries a piffling to take away excess liquid): laid upwardly aside.

 In a saucepan, combine 1/2 loving cup of the reserved cherry juice, HALF of the sugar, the cornstarch too a pinch of salt. Whisk till shine too convey to a boil. When this mixture gets super thick (it volition move on FAST i time it starts to thicken), take away from rut too stir inward the residual of the sugar, the chopped cherries, the almond extract too butter. Stir until good mixed; allow cool spell yous cast the crusts.

 Preheat oven to 375°. Cut the chilled dough into 24 pieces too roll each piece into a ball. Place one ball inward each mini-muffin cup (no need to grease the pan).

Now, yous accept to purpose your fingers and push the dough across the bottom too upwardly the sides of each mini-muffin space.  Better yet, if yous accept tart tamper or something similar, this measuring volition teach MUCH faster (just dip it inward a piffling flour betwixt each use).  I purpose the rounded terminate of the wooden tool that came amongst my Kitchen Aid meat grinder, it industrial plant absolutely perfectly. Try too teach the crust edges only a piffling taller than the edges of each muffin loving cup (see sec photo).

Fill each mini-crust 2/3 sum of the cherry filling. Bake at 375° for 20 minutes on the TOP RACK of your oven.   When the edges of the crust are lite golden brown, they are done. 

Don't endeavour to take away the cooked pies from the pan correct away. The filling stays hot for a while, hence allow them cool for a skilful 25 minutes or so. You tin purpose a butter knife to attention "lift" the pies out of the pan. 

BETTER YET: work the mini-muffin pan amongst mini-cupcake papers too that should solve any/all problems.

Delicious too FUN to Serve!!


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