Rachel's Ultimate Chicken Pot Pie

three cups cubed, cooked chicken breast
2 1/2 cups chicken stock
1 3/4 loving cup milk
1 loving cup frozen peas
1 loving cup peeled, diced Klondike Goldust potatoes
1/2 loving cup flour
1/2 loving cup peeled, cubed rutabaga
1/8 loving cup dried porcini mushrooms
2 carrots, cutting into coins
2 stalks celery, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 parsnips, cutting into coins
1 onion, diced
1 shallot, minced
three tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons minced Italian parsley
1 tablespoon minced dill (or sage)
1/4 teaspoon celery seed
1 bay leaf
1 egg, beaten
freshly the world dark pepper

puff pastry (if using defrosted frozen, yous volition exclusively require ane sheet)

Preheat oven to 350. Rehydrate the mushrooms inward hot water. Drain, die together with laid aside. Melt the butter inward a large skillet alongside high sides, a large saucepan or a stove top together with oven rubber 2 quart casserole. Add the onion, garlic, shallot, celery, carrots, potatoes together with rutabaga. Cook over depression heat, stirring occasionally, until the onion is translucent. Stir inward the flour together with gear upward for ane to 2 minutes. Add the milk, bay leaf, together with stock. Simmer, stirring occasionally, until the liquid reduces together with thickens a bit, nearly 10-15 minutes. Fish out the bay leaf. Add the chicken, mushrooms, peas, herbs together with spices. Stir to evenly distribute all ingredients. Cook for 2 minutes. If yous reduced the liquid every bit good much together with it directly looks dry, add together a flake of white vino or the H2O leftover from re-hydrating the mushrooms or broth to the mixture. Divide into vi 10 oz ramekins or pour into a 2 quart casserole dish. Leave exclusively nearly 1/4 to 1/2 inch of room at the top.

Top alongside a layer of puff pastry. Pierce alongside a knife. Brush alongside egg. Bake for 20-30 minutes or until the crust is golden brownish together with the filling is bubbly.

My thoughts:
I never gave pot pies much sentiment until I had a genuinely practiced ane alongside puff pastry together with a hint of truffle at a restuarant this winter. I liked the lack of a bottom crust together with spell at that spot were non quite plenty vegetables for my taste, it was saucy only non soupy or every bit good rich.

After that meal, I kept the sentiment of making a puff pastry topped pot pie inward the dorsum of my mind. Roasters went on sale this calendar week together with thus I roasted ane for dinner alongside an midpoint on having lots of leftovers together with thus I could brand a pot pie afterward inward the week.

The leftover heart together with someone was genuinely flavorful together with juicy together with thus I knew it would brand a dandy pot pie. With such a uncomplicated dish, yous genuinely require to usage flavorful ingredients to avoid blandness. I added a lot of fresh wintertime friendly vegetables to become far an fifty-fifty to a greater extent than encompassing ane dish meal.

Using puff pastry makes the dish much quicker to brand than using a traditional homemade pastry crust together with I similar the texture contrast betwixt the flaky crust together with the creamy filling. Matt chopped upward the rutabaga, parsnip, onion, shallot, garlic, carrot together with celery the nighttime before together with nosotros refrigerated them overnight inward an air tight container which genuinely speed upward the procedure when I went to genuinely brand the dish. Of course of written report I had already roasted, cubed together with measured the chicken before inward the week. I am glad I took the fourth dimension to get together the ingredients because I ended upward alongside a totally delicious repast that required fiddling effort. It genuinely was the ultimate chicken pot pie.

Bonus recipe: my hole-and-corner for easy, juicy roasted chicken. Preheat oven to 325. Rub a 5-8 lb roasting chicken alongside olive oil. Sprinkle liberally alongside Montreal Steak Seasoning (also available generically every bit "Canadian" Seasoning only I similar McCormick's because yous tin sack purchase it inward real large shaker containers). Roast until the chicken is fully cooked. Allow the chicken to cool until it tin sack locomote handled. Dust off most of the spices together with discard the skin. Remove the meat. I similar to cube it together with shop white together with dark heart together with someone separately.


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