Roasted Brussel Sprouts Alongside Bacon

As a child, close of the vegetables my woman bring upwardly prepared were from a tin or frozen pouch. "Fancy" at our family was canned cream corn. Being British, she did serve us brussel sprouts, cauliflower in addition to cabbage, but they were ever boiled for a long time.

In all fairness, I convey to acknowledge that I copied moms method of overcooking vegetables for many years. Recently, I notice roasting fresh vegetables inwards the oven. The texture departure is splendid in addition to the vegetable season is intense. It is such an slow method of cooking, I can't believe it took me in addition to therefore long to endeavour it!!

 close of the vegetables my woman bring upwardly prepared were from a tin or frozen pouch ROASTED BRUSSEL SPROUTS amongst BACON
The measurements inwards this recipe are totally flexible; it is to a greater extent than of a roasting description than a recipe. If yous are preparing to a greater extent than than ii pounds of brussel sprouts, only growth the amount of bacon in addition to onion a little; the roasting fourth dimension volition rest the same.

2 pounds of fresh brussel sprouts
½ loving cup chopped onion
6 slices of bacon fried in addition to crumbled
salt in addition to pepper

Wash brussel sprouts in addition to drain well. Cut off the difficult stalk in addition to tegument off the exterior layer of leaves. Cut them inwards one-half in addition to laid aside.

Fry bacon until crisp in addition to take from pan in addition to drain well. Remove all but ii tablespoons of bacon grease from the frying pan. Saute the chopped onion inwards the reserved bacon grease in addition to role the wet from the onion to deglaze the bacon bits from the bottom of the pan. Cook the onion until it only starts to plough transparent.

Put prepared brussel sprouts in addition to crumbled bacon dorsum into the pan (with the onion) in addition to toss to coat the sprouts evenly amongst bacon grease, add together tabular array salt in addition to pepper.

Place everything inwards a 9x13 baking dish in addition to roast uncovered, at 400F for 25-30 minutes.


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