Six Microwave Cookies

This fun lilliputian recipe is for those "I-need-some-chocolate-right-now-or-I'm-going-to die" moments inwards your life. Cookies from the microwave? Before today, I would bring highly doubted their success, but my scorched natural language is proof that they ARE adept AND that I was likewise impatient for them to cool off!!

This recipe solely makes 6 pocket-size cookies, which is PERFECT meliorate for my perpetual diet. Don't await the same crispy cookie yous would piece of job out of the oven, but the sense of savor is rattling much the same.

1 tablespoon butter (melted)
2 tablespoons dark-brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
pinch salt
1 egg yolk
1/4 loving cup all role flour
2 tablespoons chocolate chips

Mix everything in addition to shape into 1" balls, therefore flatten a lilliputian in addition to pose them on an UNgreased microwave rubber plate. They don't spread much when they cook, therefore only pose them an inch or therefore apart.

Microwave on high for 45-55 seconds (my microwave took fifty seconds). Now is the difficult part......let them cool for a distich of minutes....then enjoy!!

NOTE: Do non hold upward tempted to add together whatsoever baking soda to this recipe.


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