Spicy Onetime Bay Peanuts

2 cups unsalted, roasted peanuts
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 tablespoon Old Bay
1 1/2 teaspoon cayenne
1 teaspoon chili powder

Line 2 baking sheets amongst parchment paper. Preheat the oven to 250. Toss all ingredients together. Make certain the nuts are evenly coated. Arrange inward a unmarried layer on ane of the baking sheets in addition to bake 25-35 minutes, or until the peanuts await to a greater extent than oftentimes than non dry, stirring every five minutes. Remove from the oven in addition to let to cool on the remaining lined baking sheet.

Tip: Set the oven timer for five minutes, stir the nuts. Carefully gain inward the oven in addition to tossed them amongst a spatula in addition to hence educate the timer in ane lawsuit again until thirty or hence minutes were up.

My thoughts:
I've been on a existent Old Bay boot lately. As you lot powerfulness convey noticed from recent recipes. I blame Baltimore. Anyway, it has been ages since I made spiced nuts in addition to when I was trying to intend of what flavors to use, I thought. Why non Old Bay? Why not, indeed. I added but about extra spices to boot upward the oestrus element in addition to brand them fifty-fifty to a greater extent than addictive.These would live on perfect every bit a snack at your side past times side casual summertime party.


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