Steak Together With Smoked Oyster Pie


3/4 loving cup caramelized onions*
1 celery stalk, diced
two carrots, diced
two parsnips, diced
8 oz crimini mushrooms
1 1/2 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves
two tins (3.75 oz, each) smoked oysters, drained
two 1/2 lb stew meat
superfine flour (like Wondra)
two cups beef stock
1 canvass frozen puff pastry (defrosted according to parcel instructions)
1 egg, beaten
freshly dry reason dark pepper

In a large, heavy-bottomed pan, estrus a modest total of oil. Saute the caramelized onions, celery, carrots as well as parsnips until the carrots as well as parsnips are softened.

Toss the meat inwards the flour. Add to the pan as well as saute to lightly brownish on each side. Add the spices, thyme, as well as stock (the stock should totally or nearly completely cover the mixture). Bring to a boil. Reduce as well as simmer nearly xl minutes (I defrosted my puff pastry at this point) or until the liquid has reduced, the meat is tender as well as it looks similar a thick stew. Stir inwards the oysters.

Preheat oven to 375.

Pour into a deep dish pie plate.

Cover amongst a canvass of puff pastry. Brush amongst egg. Vent amongst the tip of a knife. It is okay if the pastry does non totally embrace the transcend of the pie plate.

Bake xxx minutes or until the pastry is golden brownish as well as the pie is bubbling. Remove from the oven as well as permit sit down five minutes prior to serving.

*I made unopen to other batch of wearisome cooker caramelized onions for this. Alternately, y'all tin caramelize two medium onions inwards the pan prior to adding the residue of the ingredients.

My thoughts:
I had come upwards across a reference to steak as well as smoked oyster pie inwards a mass I read lastly year. It was likewise warm for meat pies as well as hence but straightaway that nosotros are inwards the dead of winter, I persuasion I'd revisit the idea. I looked at a ton of recipes as well as they were all a niggling different. unopen to called for puff pastry, unopen to for jam(?), unopen to for shortcrust pastry, unopen to for night beer, unopen to for mushrooms,  unopen to for no vegetables at all. The alone affair that most could concur on was that the pie was pop inwards pubs as well as that the oysters were likely added (either smoked or fresh) to stretch the meat because they were hence plentiful.

I finally decided to merely come upwards up amongst my ain recipe using my favorite stew as well as meat pie ingredients amongst the add-on of the smoked oysters. I don't mean value I had e'er had smoked oysters (I flora them nigh tuna inwards the supermarket) earlier but they were quite good! Very savory. I added them at the cease of the filling cooking fourth dimension to brand certain they didn't larn tough similar regular oysters would bring been later an hr addition of cooking.

I loved the result. It had a calorie-free smoky flavour from the oysters, was rich as well as hearty from the caramelized onions, mushrooms, vegetables as well as meat as well as the pastry transcend made it seem festive as well as special.

defrosted according to parcel instructions Steak as well as Smoked Oyster Pie


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