Sweet & Sour Pork Recipe

There are 3 reasons to endeavor this neat recipe. First, this recipe is made inwards the ho-hum cooker, hence it's super easy. Secondly, this recipe is really inexpensive to brand together with thirdly, it gets rave reviews whenever I brand it. What to a greater extent than tin yous inquire for? Oh yes, I forgot...
the finished repast freezes VERY good if yous select leftovers.

You should know that I am non a large sweet and sour fan, but I dearest this recipe. It is extremely moist together with only the correct total of sweetness to sour ratio.

 Walmart sells a modest vacuum packed 2 pound pork roast that is perfect for this recipe. The bundle says "pork loin rib oculus pork roast" together with fifty-fifty hither inwards Alaska, it's alone $4.50!!
2-3 pound lean pork roast
1 loving cup granulated saccharide (seems similar a lot, but it mellows out)
1/2 cup white vinegar
4 tablespoons soy sauce
4 tablespoons ketchup
20 ounce tin crushed pineapple (drained)
Brown the pork roast on all sides together with seat it inwards your ho-hum cooker. Mix everything else together with convey it to a boil, hence pour it over the meat.
Cook on depression for 4-6 hours or until really tender (spoon the sauce over the meat every i time inwards a while).
That's it...super easy!! At the really halt of the cooking time, I thickened the sauce a piffling amongst a slurry of cornstarch together with H2O (right inwards the crockpot). To serve, piece the meat together with spoon a piffling of the sauce over it; it's neat amongst rice.

Now this final proposition is non for everyone, but my picky-picky married adult man absolutely loves it. On hateful solar daytime two, I push clit this pork apart together with mix it amongst a piffling of the sauce (make certain yous include roughly pineapple out of the sauce). While its notwithstanding cold, I curlicue it into a large burrito size tortilla (folding inwards all the ends) together with hence I brownish the whole sandwich inwards a piffling butter until its pipe hot. Hubby is extremely UNdemostrative when it comes to food, but he ooohhh'd together with ahhhhhh'd well-nigh this sandwich until the final bite.

NOTE: Sorry well-nigh these photographs. This is i of those recipes that, no affair how difficult to endeavor to teach a skillful photo, it only doesn't work. You'll only select to trust me that it is delicious.


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