Bacon Egg In Addition To Cheese Toast Cups

This is a very EASY recipe because most of it tin give the axe live made ahead of time.  It is a FUN breakfast to serve fellowship or a bunch of rowdy teenagers or a breakfast buffet crowd because it tin give the axe be finished off last minute!!

There are no existent measurements for this recipe; but one circle of toast, a pinch of cheese, i egg as well as i acre of precooked bacon for each serving (use the regular thickness bacon  because thick bacon won't locomote for this recipe).

These little beauties are quite filling as well as 2 of them brand a hearty breakfast.

The "do ahead part" is to spray the cupcake pan generously amongst vegetable spray, then put a "toast circle" (un-buttered) inwards the bottom of each cupcake well.

Next, pre-fry the bacon. I create mine inwards the oven (the 24-hour interval ahead) because it comes out perfectly apartment as well as slow to locomote with.  Click HERE for my shipping service on cooking bacon inwards the oven.

Bake the bacon at 375 (no take away to preheat) for nearly twenty minutes, or if y'all are frying it, laid it nearly 2/3 done (you desire it almost done, but withal pliable).  Drain the bacon but don't allow it cool downward much (it tends to become rigid every bit it cools down). Quickly wind each cupcake well, similar this:

Add a salubrious pinch of shredded cheddar ( I likewise similar pepper jack cheese) on tumble out of the toast, similar this:

At this point, y'all tin give the axe set them inwards the refrigerator as well as convey them out the side past times side morning.

When it's fourth dimension to eat, preheat your oven to 400 as well as carefully intermission an egg into each "nest"

Sprinkle amongst kosher common salt as well as coarsely dry soil pepper. Put them into the oven for for 15-18 minutes or until the eggs are done to your liking. Let the finished eggs sit down inwards the pan for a infinitesimal or 2 (don't worry, they rest really hot).

Scoop the baked egg cups out of the pan amongst a spoon (they come upwards out easily). If y'all similar your eggs done fairly good (like nosotros do), y'all tin give the axe selection these upwards as well as swallow them out of hand, but if y'all similar a soft laid egg, you'll take away a plate as well as fork.

I am definitely making these for Christmas morning,
along amongst fruit cups
and cinnamon rolls!!


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