Bangers Too (Turnip-Potato) Mash


for the mash:
two large turnips, cubed
1 1/2 lb Russet potatoes, peeled together with cubed
1 tablespoon butter
1/4 loving cup milk
bounding main salt
freshly Earth dark pepper

for the onion gravy:
1 1/2 tablespoons butter
1 large onion, diced
1/4 loving cup flour
1 1/2 loving cup beef stock
minced thyme (optional)
freshly Earth dark pepper

6-8 Irish Gaelic bangers


for the turnips:
Bring the turnips together with potatoes to a rolling boil. Continue to boil until both are fork-tender. Drain. Add remaining ingredients together with crush until desired smoothness is obtained. Cover together with operate along warm equally needed.

for the gravy:
Melt the butter inwards a large skillet. Saute the onion until good caramelized simply non burnt, nigh 10 minutes. Add the flour. Stir. Cook 1 minute. Add the stock together with cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened.

for the sausage:
Prepare according to packet instructions.

to serve:
Place two bangers on exceed of a mound of turnip-potato mash. Spoon gravy on top. Serve immediately.

My thoughts:
We went to England finally May together with spent a few days inwards London together with Bath amongst Matt's family. Due to diverse reasons, nosotros did non larn to produce a lot what nosotros wanted together with saw none of the major tourist attractions! No Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Tower of London etc. We did become to Windsor on a dreadfully cold, rainy solar daytime therefore nosotros did come across 1 castle but nosotros missed out on quite a chip of the stereotypical British experience. We made it to the Jewish Museum, the V & Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Museum of Childhood, the British Library together with the Foundling Museum which were all first-class together with when inwards Bath together with Windsor nosotros did (finally!) larn inwards to a few pubs. In Bath, I had or therefore Cumberland sausages together with mash inwards a hipster-y pub that were rattling good. I likewise had a tuna together with sweetcorn stuffed baked potato (they were everywhere!) which was oddly good, a Sally Lunn bun together with a full English linguistic communication breakfast at our hotel. So Bath was pretty practiced for British-y foods. We did non larn inwards over to Republic of Ireland (which was my proffer for the menage unit of measurement trip!) which is a shame. The trip did, however, cement my dear of sausages, mashed potatoes together with gave me a novel constitute appreciation for onion gravy.

Irish Gaelic sausages are non something nosotros ofttimes come across hither simply nigh St Patrick's Day bangers are ofttimes available at Costco together with Aldi therefore I picked or therefore up. Straight bangers together with crush is a wonderful thing,  but if I am making gravy from scratch (for the second time this week!) I didn't want to brand a 2nd side dish. So into to the crush went the turnips. You genuinely can't country they are at that topographic point simply they are providing or therefore prissy Vitamin C together with fiber for you. Since St Patrick's Day is tomorrow, this is a to a greater extent than authentic (and easy!) dish to brand than corned beef together with cabbage, which I dear simply that they produce non genuinely consume inwards Ireland.

 Bring the turnips together with potatoes to a rolling boil Bangers together with (Turnip-Potato) Mash


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