Broccoli Together With Bacon Salad

This is my novel FAVORITE salad, I can't seem to become plenty of it. It's super slow to brand as well as is TWICE AS GOOD the 2d 24-hour interval which is real handy.

I even therefore can't become picky-picky married adult man to fifty-fifty seek it (he has a nation of war against broccoli, cauliflower as well as brussels sprouts) but that's OK, it leaves to a greater extent than for me 👍

This isn’t actually a traditional recipe where yous accept to stair out everything (well...except for the dressing). It’s to a greater extent than of a guideline  (add/exchange whatever component subdivision to your liking). Here is where I start:

5-6 cups seize amongst teeth size RAW broccoli pieces
very thinly sliced light-green onion (as much every bit yous like)
8 slices bacon fried crisp as well as crumbled
1 loving cup SHARP cheddar cheese (grated)
1 loving cup shredded carrot
1/2 loving cup salted sunflower seeds
1/2 cup  craisens (or) raisins

If at that spot is an component subdivision yous don’t like....leave it out.  If at that spot is an component subdivision yous REALLY like...add more...I add together extra bacon 😉 

3/4 loving cup mayo (not Miracle Whip)
1/4 loving cup sour cream
1 1/2 tablespoons apple tree cider vinegar
3 tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon coarse reason dark pepper
1/2 teaspoon celery seed
pinch cayenne
Whisk together
Note: This tastes weird correct afterward yous brand it, but mellows as well as blends overnight.....very tasty.

Toss the salad ingredients as well as embrace amongst the dressing. It looks similar at that spot is every bit good much dressing, but at that spot isn’t........after it sits overnight.........somehow, it all plant together.

Before serving, I gently toss it 1 time to a greater extent than as well as exceed it amongst a niggling extra crisp bacon as well as sunflower seeds.


NOTE: I've tried adding the crisp bacon pieces only earlier serving, amongst hopes it would remain crisp.  I've also added the bacon to the salad BEFORE it sits overnight.  I similar BOTH what I do, is add together one-half the bacon to the salad immediately, therefore it flavors the dressing overnight.....then I add together the other one-half of the crisp bacon only earlier serving as well as it stays crisp.


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