Cake Decorating 101

I don't profess to live a cracking cake decorator but I do "OK"; lets only tell if I tin do it, sure enough YOU tin do it; it isn't rocket science.

This transportation service has a really expert basic butter cream frosting recipe in addition to a few tricks of the merchandise that I've learned over the years. Don't live nervous, only boundary inward in addition to "give it a go". Practice makes perfect in addition to your friends in addition to solid unit of measurement volition dear eating those "practice cakes" (our kids grew upward on them).



1 loving cup white Crisco vegetable shortening
1 loving cup butter (room temperature)
8 cups powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon almond extract
2/3 loving cup heavy cream

With an electrical mixer (stand mixer industrial plant best) musical rhythm out the vegetable shortening in addition to (room temperature) butter until it is good mixed together.

Add one-half of the powdered sugar, salt, extracts in addition to one-half of the cream. Beat until really good mixed.

Add the terminal one-half of the powdered carbohydrate in addition to the terminal one-half of the cream.  Beat on high for 2 or three minutes until really fluffy (makes a lot of frosting).
NOTE: Some people freak out well-nigh shortening inward the frosting in addition to I empathize that, but, remember.....when you lot purchase a cake from a chain type bakery, the frosting is made alongside ALL shortening, trust me!!

If you lot are dead-set against using vegetable shortening, you CAN utilization all butter, but the sense of savor is really heavy; it is your choice.

NOTE: This frosting is cracking for the entire cake including borders in addition to pipe words, etc., but it IS a soft frosting in addition to it WILL melt if you lot receive got it out inward the Sun or inward a really hot room.  I similar to frost  my cakes in addition to hence chill them until well-nigh an hr earlier serving.

If you lot don't receive got fourth dimension to freeze the cake, only brand sure it is completely cooled earlier frosting it (not fifty-fifty only a LITTLE combat warm).


Cupcakes are really pop correct at nowadays in addition to they are super piece of cake to do. Using the inward a higher house frosting recipe in addition to a Wilton M1 decorating tip, you lot tin receive got cupcakes that hold back similar they came from a bakery inward no time; that large M1 tip is the secret.

The following mini-lesson, is for a uncomplicated "every day" 1 layer 9x13 cake.

1. Brush all the crumbs off of the cake (you volition give thank you lot me later)because it is piece of cake to acquire the crumbs mixed inward alongside your frosting in addition to that isn't pretty.

2. I similar to twine or encompass my HOT cake alongside saran twine (right on the surface of the cake) in addition to hence permit it cool downwards and put the wrapped cake inward the freezer overnight.  The twenty-four hr menstruum you lot desire to serve the cake, accept it out of the freezer in addition to frost it piece it's nonetheless frozen. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 frozen cake is sturdy in addition to the frosting stays correct where you lot set it.
Don't set it dorsum inward the freezer!!  The frozen/frosted cake volition thaw out inward well-nigh 60-90 minutes in addition to live perfect for serving.

3. Put a thick layer of frosting all over your cake; don't worry well-nigh it looking smoothen at this point, only elbow grease to encompass it evenly.

4. Now hither is a niggling fob that I learned a 1000000 years ago. Get a pocket-sized fine mist spray bottle (that isn't used for anything else) in addition to fill upward it alongside mutual frigidness water. Give the frosting a low-cal mist (from the distance of well-nigh a foot(just a super quick fine spritz) hence smoothen the frosting alongside a smoothen bladed knife(wiping off your knife inward betwixt each stroke).  I e'er utilization an off-set spatula for this (see photograph below) but whatsoever non-serrated knife volition move inward a pinch.

If you lot don't receive got a spray bottle, you lot tin almost acquire the same resultant past times dipping your spatula into really hot H2O (then shaking off all excess water) earlier smoothing your frosting. This side past times side pic shows what just ONE SWIPE to a greater extent than or less the sides of this cake (using the warm moisture knife method) volition do; you lot tin imagine if you lot went over it a duet to a greater extent than times.

 If you lot are a perfectionist  (which I am not) in addition to desire NO frosting lines, only move on smoothing.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Only utilization the spritz technique on white frosting. If you lot utilization it on colored frosting, it volition run in addition to brand your frosting hold back uneven....especially blueish or green.

5. You tin acquire crazy in addition to purchase all sorts of decorating tips in addition to doo-dads, but you sure enough don't postulate them.  Get only acquire a few of the basics in addition to you lot volition live amazed at what you lot tin do.

You volition need:
Disposable plastic frosting bags (a truthful MUST)
2-3 couplers (2 slice couplers permit you lot alter tips)
Decorating tips  (a large star and a circular writing tip)
Off-set spatula  (not an absolute must, but really handy)
Food color glue (not the watery stuff) Check Walmart
Water bottle for misting


After you lot "flat frost" the whole cake, it is fourth dimension to set on the borders/trim in addition to whatsoever writing or drawing  you lot desire on the cake. Now is the fourth dimension you lot volition utilization the frosting bags in addition to metallic tips.

6. The disposable frosting bags are in all likelihood the handiest purpose of this process. You tin utilization non-disposable ones, but 1 time you lot elbow grease to launder one, you lot volition chop-chop encounter the "beauty" inward the disposable kind.

7. The couplers, are non absolutely necessary either. You tin only slide the metallic decorator tips downwards within the frosting handbag in addition to snip off the end. However, if you lot desire to utilization a diverseness of decorating tips, the coupler is the agency to go. Each 1 has two pieces; the larger purpose slides downwards within the frosting handbag in addition to hence the metallic tip fits onto it from the outside, hence the coupler band is screwed on (does that brand sense?)

Once you lot receive got the decorating tip on, nestle the decorator handbag within of a large mug or measurement loving cup in addition to crease the top raw border downwards over the container, sort of similar folding downwards a collar. Now set a loving cup or 2 of frosting inward the handbag (the "container" is only to concord the handbag steady piece you lot fill upward it).

Twist the top of the frosting filled handbag shut in addition to apply push clit per unit of measurement area alongside your fingers. As the frosting comes out the end, you lot volition receive got to re-twist it tighter earlier continuing. When you lot are done using the frosting bag, only utilization pair of scissors to cutting the handbag off only inward a higher house the coupler, hence throw the coupler in addition to tip into the dishwasher!!

The base of operations of your cake should receive got the larger frosting border than the top border of your cake. Practice making a shell blueprint on some wax newspaper earlier you lot elbow grease it on the cake.

8. I similar to utilization a Wilton M1 tip on my cake base; it is a huge star tip in addition to it takes an over sized coupler every bit well.

NOTE: When you lot starting fourth dimension start to decorate, you lot volition live fairly slow. Keep inward hear that the oestrus of your hands can soften the frosting inward the frosting handbag in addition to that tin live a problem. If you lot discovery it getting every bit good soft to concord its shape, set it inward the refrigerator for well-nigh 20 minutes.

NOTE: Don't utilization regular (watery) nutrient coloring inward this frosting recipe; non alone volition it resultant the consistency of your frosting, but the colors will  never acquire whatsoever stronger than a pastel color. 

Get some nutrient coloring glue (it is really concentrated in addition to gives you lot really deep colors, hence acquire piece of cake alongside it at first); 1 drib of blueish volition color an entire bowl of frosting. 

Walmart sells the nutrient color paste in their cake decorating section.

NOTE: A fun affair to elbow grease is edible glitter. It is basically a transparent nutrient starch that has been dried in addition to flaked, but you lot tin sprinkle it on ANY color frosting in addition to it volition hold back shiny in addition to sparkly; it is GREAT for cupcakes or niggling daughter princess cakes.

Another fun decorating tip is called a grass tip.

Grass Tip
Using a grass tip is super easy, you lot only apply lots of pressure, hence directly publish the push clit per unit of measurement area in addition to elevator upward at the same time which volition brand "blades" of grass.
GIVE information technology Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 TRY !! BUT MOST OF ALL ...


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