Cauliflower Salad Amongst Marinated Artichokes Too Olives

i large caput cauliflower, cutting into florets
1/4 loving cup sliced kalamata olives (in brine)
i jarred marinated artichoke, chopped
i modest ruddy onion, chopped
i stem celery, diced
i cubanelle pepper, diced
i large handful curly parsley, chopped
1/4 loving cup marinade from the artichoke jar
juice of i lemon


Bring a few inches of H2O to boil inwards a large pot. Add the cauliflower together with steam 5-8 minutes or until tender. Drain together with permit to cool. Place inwards a large bowl. Add remaining ingredients together with toss to evenly distribute all ingredients. Chill i sixty minutes prior to serving for best flavor.

My thoughts:
I know, around other cauliflower salad. I can't assistance it! I actually savour them this fourth dimension of twelvemonth when cauliflower is inwards season. It only tastes together with then fresh! Of course, I couldn't resist using a flake of pickle-y, marinated flavor. Plus y'all tin purpose the marinade from the artichoke jounce totally eliminating the involve to brand a vinegarette. The lemon juice brightens it upwardly together with keeps it all from beingness likewise heavy. The cubanelle adds a calorie-free pepperiness together with compaction equally well. H5N1 refreshing salad for a hot day.

 Bring a few inches of H2O to boil inwards a large pot Cauliflower Salad amongst Marinated Artichokes together with Olives


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