Cranberry Shortbread Bars

This week, I convey been trying out around novel "goodie" recipes alongside the holidays inwards mind; I similar to add together a few novel items to my criterion cookie boxes every year. Today I made around cranberry shortbread bars that I institute inwards a vacation effect of Fine Cooking in addition to they are definitely going to brand the "big list". The bars convey an ultra-buttery shortbread crust topped alongside cooked cranberries in addition to and then a shortbread-type streusel topping. They are baked inwards a ix x xiii pan that is lined alongside foil for slowly removal. The bars are really sweet, buttery, tender in addition to cutting nicely...perfect for gift giving.

 I similar to add together a few novel items to my criterion cookie boxes every yr CRANBERRY SHORTBREAD BARS Wash in addition to form a 12 ounce pocketbook of fresh cranberries. Put them inwards a heavy saucepan alongside ¼ loving cup of H2O in addition to ane loving cup of white sugar. Bring to a boil over high heat. After it comes to a boil, cut back the oestrus to medium high in addition to boil until the sauce is similar a thick syrup - v to 8 minutes (mine took half-dozen minutes). Set aside to cool (it volition thicken fifty-fifty to a greater extent than every bit it cools).
 I similar to add together a few novel items to my criterion cookie boxes every yr CRANBERRY SHORTBREAD BARS SHORTBREAD CRUST
21 tablespoons of butter, melted in addition to cooled to room temp.
This seems similar a lot of butter, merely it makes an upper in addition to lower crust
¾ loving cup of white sugar
2 large egg yolks
3 cups + three tablespoons all operate flour
No ask to work an electrical mixer, I did it all alongside a wooden spoon. Mix the saccharide into the melted butter in addition to whisk inwards the egg yolks. Stir inwards the flour to brand a really rigid dough. Remove 2 cups of this dough in addition to pat evenly into a foil lined ix x xiii pan. Prick the dough all over alongside a fork in addition to refrigerate for xxx minutes (or set inwards freezer for vii minutes). Set the balance of the dough aside.
 I similar to add together a few novel items to my criterion cookie boxes every yr CRANBERRY SHORTBREAD BARS With the remaining dough, run a fork dorsum in addition to forth inwards the dough to loosen it upwards into crumbles Add ¼ loving cup of white saccharide to these crumbles in addition to piece of work the fork dorsum in addition to for a niggling to a greater extent than to suspension upwards whatever large clumps. Do not chill these crumbles.
 I similar to add together a few novel items to my criterion cookie boxes every yr CRANBERRY SHORTBREAD BARS Bake the ix x xiii chilled pan of dough, on the middle rack of your oven, for twenty minutes at 325. After twenty minutes, the dough volition nonetheless last really pale inwards color in addition to volition non convey whatever golden color on the edges. Remove it from the oven in addition to spread the cooled cranberry filling evenly over it.
 I similar to add together a few novel items to my criterion cookie boxes every yr CRANBERRY SHORTBREAD BARSSpread the loose crumbles over the cranberry filling

 I similar to add together a few novel items to my criterion cookie boxes every yr CRANBERRY SHORTBREAD BARSBake on the TOP rack of a 350 oven for 25 minutes (mine took 32 minutes). Watch the crumbles towards the halt of the baking time. You desire to run across a niggling golden color on the move past times of the crumbles, similar this:
 I similar to add together a few novel items to my criterion cookie boxes every yr CRANBERRY SHORTBREAD BARS Cool baked bars on a wire rack for at to the lowest degree an sixty minutes or until completely firm. You tin speed ready them inwards the fridge. When the bottom of the pan is completely cool, elevator the bars out of the pan past times pulling on the flap ends of the foil. Cut into 2" bars. These volition hap at room temperature for a week.

 I similar to add together a few novel items to my criterion cookie boxes every yr CRANBERRY SHORTBREAD BARS NOTE: The butter measuring of 21 tablespoons is non a typing fault
NOTE: Bake the bars inwards a metal ix x 13 pan thence they don't over bake. Line it alongside foil in addition to larn out the ends of the foil a niggling long, thence you lot tin work them every bit handles to elevator the cooled bars out of the pan.
NOTE: Pay attending to baking temperatures. The origin crust pre-bake is on the middle rack at 325. The terminal bake is on the TOP rack at 350. The recipe says it is baked on the move past times rack thence that the bottom of the crust doesn't larn likewise dark.


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