Glazed Spudnut (Style) Donuts

For those people who are onetime plenty to know what a Spudnut is...this recipe volition live a treat. For those of you lot likewise immature to squall upward Spudnuts...let's simply tell that they were the best donut inward the universe. I heard that at that spot are silent a few Spudnut shops around, but it appears that they are few together with far between.

This recipe (from the Idaho Potato Commission) makes a LOT of Spudnut-style donuts (about iv dozen) thus you lot powerfulness desire to one-half the recipe if you lot create upward one's hear to brand them. If you lot are non experienced alongside yeast doughs, I don't recommend trying this recipe, however, if you lot conduct maintain had fifty-fifty moderate success alongside yeast doughs, I promise you lot compass the recipe a displace (it is non a difficult recipe at all).

The donuts are real moist, sugariness together with conduct maintain simply a HINT of lemon. My married adult man is a donut (and Spudnut) connoisseur from means back, together with he gave these donuts 2 thumbs up!!

 2 pkgs. dry out yeast
1/2 loving cup warm water
1 loving cup sugar
3/4 loving cup shortening (do non utilisation butter)
1 & 1/2 cups mutual depression temperature instant mashed potatoes
3 eggs good beaten
2 cups scalded milk (cooled to luke warm)
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon lemon extract
6 to 8 cups all role flour

Dissolve the yeast inward the warm H2O together with laid aside. Cream the saccharide together with shortening together with vanquish inward the mutual depression temperature potatoes, eggs, cooled milk, yeast water, tabular array salt together with lemon extract. Gradually add together the flour to brand a soft dough, knead well. The dough volition live quite sticky, but holds together well. It should live a softer dough than breadstuff dough.

 Cover dough alongside plastic together with allow it enhance inward a warm house until doubled inward size (this takes a huge bowl together with well-nigh an hour). After an hour, describe dough out of bowl together with onto the counter. Sprinkle alongside flour together with knead it a niggling to larn most of the air out of it. If dough seems actually sticky, simply flour your board. Roll the dough out to a one-half inch thickness. Cut alongside well-floured cutter.

Spray a slice of parchment newspaper (or waxed paper) alongside a niggling vegetable spray together with and thus wipe it downward alongside a newspaper towel. Cut the newspaper into squares together with position a cutting out donut on each square. This volition aid you lot when it is fourth dimension to transfer the raised donuts from the counter to the hot fossil oil (see notes).

 Let the doughnuts enhance until they larn overnice together with puffy, then
deep youngster the donuts inward 375 marker vegetable fossil oil until they are deep golden (mine took well-nigh 2 minutes a side). Only youngster 2 or 3 donuts at a time.
Drain on newspaper towels. Glaze spell silent warm

For those people who are onetime plenty to know what a Spudnut is GLAZED SPUDNUT (style) DONUTS GLAZE
1 pound of sifted powdered sugar
1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
Whisk inward plenty boiling H2O to brand a sparse glaze, drizzle over donuts.

For those people who are onetime plenty to know what a Spudnut is GLAZED SPUDNUT (style) DONUTS

And don't forget the donut holes!!!

For those people who are onetime plenty to know what a Spudnut is GLAZED SPUDNUT (style) DONUTS
NOTE: Recipe calls for shortening, I used butter flavored Crisco.
NOTE: Recipe calls for prepared instant potatoes. I prepared my potatoes per the box instructions including water, milk, butter together with salt.
NOTE: Recipe calls for a tablespoon of lemon extract. That sounds similar a lot, but it leaves simply a tiny HINT of lemon season inward the in conclusion product.
NOTE: Recipe calls for 6-8 cups of flour. I used all 8 cups together with it was no where nigh equally "solid" equally breadstuff dough, thus hold off a viscid dough.
NOTE: I allow my donuts enhance on squares of sprayed parchment paper. If you lot exercise that, together with thus you lot tin alternative upward the donut without deforming or deflating it together with gently plow it over inward your manus together with gently pare off the newspaper earlier you lot repose the donut into the hot oil.
NOTE: I conduct maintain a 2" donut cutter, but it simply seemed to brand a real tiny donut, thus I cutting the bottom together with tumble out out of a pineapple tin together with used that equally my cutter. I cutting out the pump of the donut alongside a tiny cookie cutter.
NOTE: I used my smallest electrical frying pan alongside 3" of vegetable fossil oil to youngster these donuts. The electrical youngster pan allows you lot to easily suit the fossil oil to 375 degrees together with since you lot should alone youngster 2 or 3 donuts at a time, the smaller electrical youngster pan makes sense.


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