Guiltless Banana Milk Shake

This banana milk tremble is my latest addiction, as well as for once, it is guiltless!! Toss around frozen bananas, fatty gratis banana yogurt as well as around 2% milk inwards the nutrient processor (or blender) as well as inwards ten seconds you lot volition bring the thickest, creamiest milk tremble ever!! It is absolutely delicous as well as totally satisfies that "whats to snack on?" minute inwards the middle of the day. I promise you lot seek it.
 It is absolutely delicous as well as totally satisfies that  GUILTLESS BANANA MILK SHAKE
In advance, spell around bananas into ½" slices as well as freeze them, inwards a unmarried layer, on around waxed paper. When they are frozen, seat them all inwards a Zip Loc freezer handbag as well as buy the farm on frozen. When it comes fourth dimension to brand your milk shake, house 16 slices of frozen banana into the nutrient processor (I don't bring a blender). Sixteen slices equals the same sum equally a medium size (8") banana.

 It is absolutely delicous as well as totally satisfies that  GUILTLESS BANANA MILK SHAKE Add a half-dozen ounce container of fatty gratis banana yogurt as well as ane loving cup of 2% milk. Run the nutrient processor nearly ten seconds. You volition halt upward amongst nearly 2½ cups of thick milk shake. This side past times side photograph is non a real skillful one, but I wanted to present you lot that the in conclusion production is thick plenty to back upward a spoon!!

 It is absolutely delicous as well as totally satisfies that  GUILTLESS BANANA MILK SHAKE
NOTE: I buy the farm on a handbag of frozen banana slices simply as well as thus I tin brand this care for inwards a hurry. It is also a swell run for those bananas that bring a few likewise many brownish spots on them.


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