Hasselback Apples

Hasselback Potatoes (a recipe originating inwards Sweden) accept been around for a while, but some cooking genius came upward amongst the sentiment for Hasselback Apples.....and they are delicious!!!


2 large, theater apples (peeled, cored, cutting inwards half)

Cut slices into each apple tree half, cutting ALMOST through similar this. Using spoon handles on either side of the apples (to halt the slices evenly) makes it easier.

Place the prepared apples inwards a drinking glass baking dish that has been sprayed amongst cooking spray, apartment side down.

In a small-scale bowl, mix ii tablespoons sugar, ii tablespoons melted butter too 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix good too brush all over the cutting apples, similar this:

Cover amongst foil too bake at 400F for twenty minutes. Remove the foil too bake for some other xv minutes.  

Take out of the oven too allow sit at room temperature for 10 minutes. 

When they come upward out of the oven, the slices volition accept separated merely a little.

Mix three tablespoons sugar, 1 1/2 tablespoons of melted butter, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, ii tablespoons erstwhile fashioned rolled oats, 1 teaspoon flour, 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt.

Very carefully pry each apple tree piece opened upward (just a little) too position some of the oat-sugar mixture inwards betwixt the hot slices. Spoon a picayune of the liquid (that has formed inwards the bottom of the pan)over the whole apple tree too furnish to the oven for some other 10 to xv minutes or until tender.

If you lot desire the apples to accept to a greater extent than "color", position them nether the broiler for the concluding 30-40 seconds.

Serve amongst whipped cream or H2O ice cream.

Serves Four



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