Homemade Vanilla Extract

The Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas baking flavour is just around the corner and I decided to stock the pantry with baking supplies.  Well, I was shocked at the increased cost of practiced character vanilla; some of it is equally high equally $15 for only a few ounces!!

With that inward mind, I decided to construct my ain vanilla, although I had NO CLUE how to do it. After some Internet research, I was thrilled to learn that the process was SUPER EASY and only takes TWO ingredients (vodka in addition to vanilla beans)!!

At showtime I was concerned because vanilla beans are non ever inward my budget. I similar McCormick construct spices, but their cost for TWO vanilla beans is over $10!! Homemade vanilla extract would hold upward outrageously expensive at those prices, in addition to thus dorsum to the Internet.

I discovered that the best vanilla extracts are NOT made out of the same sort of vanilla beans that yous bake amongst (whew!! That was a relief.). Vanilla extract is made amongst Grade B vanilla extract beans (I didn't fifty-fifty know at that topographic point was such a thing). Google it in addition to yous volition discovery a lot of places to purchase them. Just construct certain they are labeled MADAGASCAR BOURBON EXTRACT GRADE B VANILLA BEANS.

The 6" beans aren't real pretty to await at (they aren't plump in addition to supple in addition to yous CAN NOT bake amongst them), but they construct GREAT extract. When yous lodge them, they volition become inward looking similar this:
1 quart of vodka  (see note)
4 ounces of Madagascar  Grade B extract vanilla beans

This makes a LOT of vanilla, but I possess got inward heed to pose it inward pretty petty bottles in addition to tuck it into vacation gift baskets, in addition to thus a quart of extract is a practiced thing.

Don't waste product your coin on expensive vodka, thinking that this volition construct amend vanilla...it does not.  Good news!! The cheapest vodka industrial plant only too equally expensive vodka for this project!!

You volition demand a jolt that is a combat bigger than a quart since the vodka AND vanilla beans possess got to gibe inward it (I learned that the difficult way).

Cut the degree B extract vanilla beans into 1/2" pieces in addition to pose them into the quart of vodka..........that's it!!  Now all yous possess got to do is milk shiver the bottle a petty (every few days) in addition to later on a month, it volition hold upward extract!! What could hold upward easier?

Before using the extract (or giving it away), strain the spent vanilla edible bean pieces out of the extract. If yous don't desire ANY vanilla seeds inward the extract, run the finished production through a java filter.

Decorative bottles similar this are available online for nearly $2.50 each, they would construct a pretty gift.

This extract volition hold upward practiced forever, or until the real final drop. No demand to refrigerate it.

This photo is exclusively two weeks into the extract procedure
(see how rich it looks already?)
For those of yous who are concerned that homemade vanilla
is non equally "strong" equally commercial vanilla...never fear!!
This homemade vanilla is real rigid (in a practiced way) in addition to
you volition LOVE it!!


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