Jollof Rice

1 scarlet bell pepper
28 oz canned crushed tomatoes
1 scotch bonnet (or habanero) pepper
4 cloves garlic
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon madras curry powder
1 beef bouillon cube*
two tablespoons Lawry's seasoning salt
two tablespoons reason chipotle pepper
1 lb cubed beef
five boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cutting into bite-sized pieces
1 onion, cutting into one-half Luna slices
three cups beef broth
two cups (uncooked) basmati rice
two teaspoons fresh thyme leaves
1/2 lb okra, diced
1/2 lb sliced crimini mushrooms
canola stone oil for cooking


Cut the bell pepper into slices, brush amongst stone oil together with lay nether the broiler until charred. Put pepper slices inwards a blender amongst the crushed tomatoes, hot pepper, garlic, bouillon cube, curry pulverisation together with nutmeg together with blend until it forms a thick sauce.

Cut the chicken thighs into modest chunks, together with cutting the beef into modest bite-sized cubes. Season both meats amongst Lawry's seasoning common salt together with chipotle pepper. In a hot dutch oven, add together a tablespoon of stone oil together with dark-brown the chicken over a medium high heat. Remove the chicken from pot into a bowl together with comprehend to run along warm. Add the beef cubes into the pan together with dark-brown well. Add the onion slices i time the beef is browned together with produce until the onions are soft together with fragrant.

Return the chicken to the pot together with add together the love apple tree mixture, thyme together with the broth. While this is cooking launder together with drain the rice 2-3 times together with laid upwards aside. Cook meat without a lid for xl minutes over a medium-low estrus stirring occasionally. Stir inwards the rice together with produce for 20 minutes on depression estrus covered amongst foil together with a lid to run along inwards steam. While this is cooking, sautee the mushrooms inwards a modest total of oil.

Open the pot together with scatter the okra on top, re-cover together with produce 10 to a greater extent than minutes. Stir inwards sauteed mushrooms together with serve.

*I advise Knorr's

My thoughts:
This rice dish is a staple inwards several areas inwards West Africa. It is thus homey together with filling! It does cause got a flake of fourth dimension but it is really elementary together with the results are worth it, I promise! It made a non bad dinner (we served it amongst a side of fried plantains) together with fifty-fifty the leftovers were expert for lunches the side past times side day.

What's funny is that my hubby made this final calendar week together with and thus but a twenty-four lx minutes menses some later, a lot of disputation erupted over Jamie Oliver's recipe for Jollof Rice that was late published. It was lambasted for using fresh tomatoes together with other ingredients non mutual or authentic to the dish. I'd similar to intend nosotros did a amend job!

 brush amongst stone oil together with lay nether the broiler until charred Jollof Rice


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