Rote Bete Salat (German Beet-Horseradish Salad)

six medium beets, greens removed*
1/4 loving cup finely grated fresh horseradish
1/3 loving cup cherry vino vinegar
1/4 loving cup sugar
i teaspoon caraway seeds
1/2 tablespoon grated fresh ginger

Bring a large pot of H2O to boil. Add the beets in addition to railroad train until tender, nearly 20-30 minutes. Alternatively, purpose roasted beets.  Remove from H2O in addition to cool. Rub the skins off alongside a newspaper towel. Thinly spell the beets. Place inwards a non-reactive, stain proof container (like a drinking glass jar) in addition to laid aside. In a small-scale bowl, whisk together the remaining ingredients until the saccharide dissolves. Pour over the beets in addition to refrigate at to the lowest degree iii hours prior to serving.

*Don't toss the greens! Try them inwards these recipes.

My thoughts:
It is horseradish season! I picked upwards a huge source at the farmers marketplace position inwards Chincoteague, Va in addition to brought it habitation alongside us to brand something fun. It is pretty pungent simply paired alongside sweetness beets, it makes the best, slightly pickle-y refreshing salad. The perfect side dish to serve alongside heavier High German fare (as I did) or well, pretty much anything!

 whisk together the remaining ingredients until the saccharide dissolves Rote Bete Salat (German Beet-Horseradish Salad)


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