Lemon-Dill Shrimp Together With Pasta Salad

1 1/2 lb medium shrimp, steamed in addition to peeled
12 oz tri-color penne, cooked
1 cubanelle pepper, diced
two mini cucumbers, diced
1/3 loving cup diced crimson onion

for the dressing:
1/2 loving cup mayonnaise
1/3 loving cup chopped fresh dill
juice in addition to zest of 1 large lemon
body of body of water salt
freshly soil dark pepper

Toss together the salad ingredients inward a large bowl. In a minor bowl, whisk together the dressing ingredients. Drizzle over the salad in addition to toss to coat. Refrigerate at to the lowest degree xxx minutes prior to serving.

My thoughts:
The weather condition has done a drastic plough to a greater extent than or less since the freak snowstorm inward belatedly March. It has been nigh lxxx or fifty-fifty higher upwards this weekend which way it is officially hammock in addition to picnic time! I've been shuffling my schedule in addition to hence I convey some costless fourth dimension inward the afternoon to leave of absence in addition to taste the sunshine. This salad is perfect for only such a day. It is low-cal silent filling in addition to amongst the add-on of the cucumbers, a fairly good balanced repast yesteryear itself. Just add together some fruit to the side in addition to yous are practiced to go!


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