Old Bay Corn Savour (For Hot Dogs)

ii ears' worth of corn kernels
1 cubanelle pepper, minced
1/4 loving cup minced onion
ii tablespoons apple tree cider vinegar
1 tablespoon xanthous mustard seed
1 teaspoon Old Bay

Stir together all ingredients inwards a pocket-size bowl. Cover together with refrigerate at to the lowest degree 1 hr prior to serving. Use to summit hot dogs.

Yield: nearly 1 cup

My thoughts:
I honey hot dogs. I actually do. I bring a running listing of hot domestic dog huts together with regional hot domestic dog types for pretty much every major city/state inwards the USA together with frankly, most countries I'd desire to visit. We sought out 3 dissimilar hot domestic dog types inwards Portugal, which had the craziest hot dogs I bring e'er had. I similar to mix it upward at dwelling household too, I've made a few fun hot dogs inwards the past times that I've posted here but it is has been a spell together with since ane of the biggest hot domestic dog days of the twelvemonth is coming up, I idea I'd portion a novel ane inwards fourth dimension for your quaternary of July cookout!

Since corn is tardily coming into season, I went amongst a unproblematic corn bask amongst a Baltimore-twist: Old Bay. Sadly, Baltimore doesn't actually bring a signature domestic dog ( well, nosotros produce bring ane wrapped inwards bologna but that is 1. non that exciting together with slightly gross and 2. virtually unheard of or ordered fifty-fifty here, past times natives 3. I suspect to a greater extent than of a kosher deli affair than a Baltimore-only thing) then I operate on trying to brand (a new) ane happen. This bask is actually good! Fresh together with crisp, the perfect foil the a plump hot domestic dog of your choice. I've been a Nathan's daughter but late I had a "weinervetion" together with bring been getting Applegate which are tasty together with amend for me. H5N1 daughter who eats a lot of hot dogs needs to operate on that kind of affair inwards mind!

 Stir together all ingredients inwards a pocket-size bowl Old Bay Corn Relish (for Hot Dogs)


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