Sunny Yellowish Split Upwards Pea Vegetable Soup

1 lb rutabaga, cubed
three stalks celery, cubed (leaves included)
three parsnips, cubed
three carrots, cubed
two shallots, minced
two cloves garlic, minced
1 onion, diced
juice in addition to zest of ane Meyer lemon
1 lb xanthous divide peas
two quarts ham or chicken or vegetable stock (or water, if yous bring to)
two teaspoons solid seat down mustard
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1/4 teaspoon celery seed
bounding main salt
freshly solid seat down dark pepper
1/2 lb cubed cottage ham, lightly browned (optional)

Place the vegetables, lemon juice in addition to zest, stock in addition to spices inwards a 6-quart tiresome cooker. Stir. Cook on depression 10-14 hrs.Stir inwards cottage ham, if desired.

My thoughts:
I started out thinking this would hold out a 4-quart recipe but later I added all of the vegetables my helpful hubby chopped the nighttime before, at that topographic point wasn't room left inwards the 4-quart for the divide peas, much less the stock! So, I apace switched it to the 6-quart crock* in addition to was expert to go. This is a cracking recipe to operate upwards what ever odds in addition to ends of vegetables are inwards the bin. As long every bit yous proceed the proportions nearly right, ane could operate to a greater extent than parsnips in addition to less carrots or turnips (or fifty-fifty potatoes) instead of rutabaga in addition to the soup would hold out merely every bit good. This is likewise an awesome recipe if yous wishing to operate the tiresome cooker in addition to volition hold out gone a long time; it actually is merely every bit expert at 10 hrs every bit it is at xiv or so. Of course, the longer yous hit it, the to a greater extent than broken downwards the peas volition hold out but it is merely every bit tasty!

As always, I prepped the vegetables the nighttime before. You tin likewise house the divide peas in addition to spices inwards the (closed, cold) tiresome cooker the nighttime before.

*This is why I beloved my 3-in-1 tiresome cooker!


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