Baltimore Peach Cake

two cups flour
1 oz yeast
iii tablespoons lukewarm water
iii tablespoons butter, melted in addition to cooled
1/3 loving cup milk, at room temperature
1/3 loving cup sugar
1 egg, at room temperature
1/2 teaspoon salt
4-6 halved or quartered peeled in addition to pitted peaches, at room temperature
1-2 tablespoons raspberry jam (I used raspberry-peach jam), warmed if needed


Grease in addition to flour or spray amongst baking spray a 8x8 inch pan. In a large mixing bowl, sprinkle the yeast on the water. Using an electrical mixer amongst a dough claw combine the yeast, butter, sugar, in addition to egg. Add the flour alternately amongst the milk in addition to mix on depression until smooth. The dough volition hold upwards a chip sticky. Spread the dough out into the cake pan, taking tending to attain all corners. Arrange peaches inwards a unmarried layer, cutting side upwards over the dough. Press the peaches into the dough. Cover in addition to permit to sit down thirty minutes to rise. Preheat oven to 350. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until the cake is cooked through. Remove from oven in addition to forthwith brush amongst jam.

My thoughts:
Every August similar clockwork, I larn a flurry of requests asking for a recipe for Baltimore Peach Cake in addition to I haven't had 1 to part until now. I've idea most making it each yr but either fourth dimension got away from me earlier peach flavour ended or nosotros had a bad peach year. This yr the peaches are amazing in addition to then when I flora myself amongst a bunch of peaches in addition to received yet some other asking for a recipe over the weekend, I knew it was time.

I recollect my Grandpop picking upwards peach cake at Hoehn's Bakery inwards Highlandtown when I was little. And the twist doughnuts amongst the granulated sugar. Honestly, I don't know if I ever genuinely made it into Hoen's because he would larn out me inwards the auto (normally amongst the dogs because we'd halt for a process to accept to our piddling identify on Bird River) spell he picked upwards the goodies. But he loved peach cake in addition to made the attempt to selection it upwards when it was available.

Peach cake is 1 of those uniquely Baltimore things that I am ever worried is inwards the procedure of dying out, similar smearcase. It is entirely available for a calendar month or in addition to then a yr every bit it is in addition to I haven't seen a genuinely skilful recipe for it yet. Most people think of it every bit a bakery-only cake but entirely a handful of bakeries inwards the metropolis nonetheless brand it. So I felt the demand to create one. At Hoehn's the surreptitious element is raspberry jam* in addition to then I spent a 24-hour interval making jam simply for this cake. I cheated a chip in addition to added peach to it but I think that makes it fifty-fifty improve for peach cake if slightly less traditional. Some bakeries role a form of carbohydrate glaze on their cakes, but that makes it besides sweetness for my gustation in addition to I think it detracts from the flavor. With raspberry jam you lot larn a hint of some other summertime favorite!

Peach cake is unique inwards that it is a yeast based cake in addition to inwards the giant slab format that one-time fourth dimension Baltimore bakeries look in addition to then fond of rather than a peachy circular cake. This makes it slowly to piece squeamish large foursquare pieces in addition to maximize the amount of peaches used. I don't uncovering that peach cake holds upwards for many days in addition to then I think making a smallish cake of 8x8 industrial plant out the best if you lot are making it for dwelling consumption in addition to non trying to feed all of East Baltimore. You tin sack ever brand more, but the perishable nature of the peach way this cake is best the 24-hour interval it is made. I've seen slabs of peach cake much larger than 9x11 inwards bakeries roughly Baltimore!

*Some peach cakes practise non characteristic jam but when they do, it is oftentimes raspberry. I think the jam was introduced to aid extend the curt shelf life of the cake yesteryear sealing inwards the juices. Since the cake Grandpop would purchase featured jam in addition to I brand my ain jam, I included it. You tin sack larn out it out if you lot prefer.


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