Mushroom Barley & Beef Soup

1 3/4 lb cubed sirloin
2 stalks celery, diced
1 large carrot, diced
1 onion, diced
3.5 oz (fresh) oyster mushrooms, diced
3.5 oz (fresh)shiitake mushrooms, diced
8 oz (fresh) crimini mushrooms, diced
iv cloves garlic, minced
1 large Russet potato, diced
half dozen cups beef stock
1/2 loving cup (loose) dried shiitake mushrooms
1 loving cup pearl barley
1 teaspoon thyme
body of body of water salt
freshly dry reason dark pepper

In a large nonstick skillet, brownish the cubes of beef for 1-2 minutes. Add the remaining fresh ingredients in addition to saute until the beef is lightly browned on all sides but non fully cooked. Meanwhile, soak the dried shiitake mushrooms inward boiling H2O for every bit long every bit it takes to brownish the meat. Use a slotted spoon to scoop the meat in addition to vegetable mixture into a 6-quart tiresome cooker. Drain the dried mushrooms. Add the mushrooms to the tiresome cooker in addition to discard the mushroom liquid. Add the spices, barley in addition to stock. Stir. Cook on depression for 8-10 hrs. Add additional stock to sparse out the soup if desired.
My thoughts:
Mushroom barley soup is a large favorite of ours. My husband, who grew upward inward NYC has fond memories of it served at restaurants similar the 2nd Avenue Deli. Years agone (2006!!) I posted a recipe for the mushroom barley soup we'd made ourselves in addition to I included a recipe for a slightly updated version inward my 2nd cookbook which came out final spring. So, I've made mushroom barley soup a few times. Last nighttime when nosotros were doing some belatedly nighttime grocery shopping afterward a dinner out alongside friends in addition to afterward wandering simply about aimlessly forever trying to intend of something slow to brand for dinner, I spied a pocketbook of barley in addition to mentioned that I'd been form of craving our quondam friend, mushroom barley soup. Matt leapt at the persuasion in addition to said he'd ever wanted to brand a beef in addition to mushroom barley soup. He'd had mushroom barley soup, he'd had beef in addition to barley soup but never the 2 together inward 1 "ultimate" barley soup. Well, I could easily remedy that!

We'd constitute the fob to actually practiced mushroom barley soup is using a mixture of dissimilar types of fresh mushrooms in addition to this is the key: at to the lowest degree 1 diverseness of dried mushrooms. The dried mushrooms actually plough over it a woodsy depth of flavour that is wonderful inward mushroom barley soup. The marketplace had fresh oyster in addition to shiitake mushrooms in addition to nosotros had fresh crimini in addition to dried shiitake at habitation in addition to thus nosotros went alongside that. My previous versions of mushroom barley soup were made on the stove top, in addition to this 1 could also but it takes a duo of hours for it to hit on the stove in addition to nosotros were waiting for a delivery in addition to didn't wishing to hold upward distracted from the stove in addition to terminate upward alongside no dinner. So a tiresome cooker recipe it would be! Matt chopped upward the vegetables the nighttime earlier (at similar 2 am, I was rattling tired browning that meat early on inward the morning) in addition to thus they were laid upward to go. Browning the beef gives it a to a greater extent than appetizing colouring inward the finished soup in addition to I intend a ameliorate flavor. Dumping the vegetables on exceed in addition to cooking them a fleck isn't quite every bit necessary but allows all of those mushrooms to liberate a fleck of the H2O that otherwise would direct maintain diluted your soup. Anything for extra concentrated flavour inward the ultimate soup!


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