
Showing posts with the label holiday leftover recipes

Ham Croquettes

Ingredients: ii cups pocket-size die ham* i pocket-size onion, pocket-size dice i clove garlic, minced 1/4 loving cup flour 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika 3/4 loving cup milk i tablespoon butter i tablespoon olive oil i egg, beaten** 3/4 loving cup breadstuff crumbs or matzo meal Directions: Melt butter inwards a pan, add together stone oil in addition to rut through. Add the ham, onion in addition to garlic. Saute until the onion is soft in addition to translucent, nigh 5-8 minutes. Sprinkle amongst flour in addition to spices in addition to fix 1-2 minutes. Add the milk in addition to cook, stirring occasionally, until the mixture thickens. Place inwards a covered container in addition to refrigerate at to the lowest degree i hr in addition to upward to 8 or until firm. Heat 1/2 inch canola stone oil inwards a large skillet. Place the egg in addition to breadcrumbs/matzo repast inwards split shallow bowls. Form the dough into ii inch yesteryear 1/2

Dark Chocolate Pudding Amongst Candy Topping

2/3 loving cup sugar 1/4 loving cup Divine Chocolate Cocoa three tablespoons cornstarch two 1/4 cups 2% milk two tablespoons butter, diced 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla paste 1 teaspoon bourbon pinch salt chopped candy (I used Goldenberg's Peanut Chews) Over medium oestrus as well as inwards a pocket-size sauce pan, whisk together sugar, cocoa, cornstarch as well as salt. Slowly whisk inwards the milk. Continue to ready over medium heat, whisking constantly, until it boils. Allow to boil for 1 infinitesimal piece whisking continually. Remove from heat. Whisk inwards butter, bourbon, vanilla as well as paste. Pour into ramekins or jars. Serve warm or refrigerate until cold, 1-2 hours. Sprinkle amongst candy bits prior to serving. My thoughts: I was excited that Divine Chocolate sent me about yummy bars as well as baking cocoa for #Chocotoberfest amongst Imperial Sugar! I beloved their candy bars (and how they are fair merchandise as well as farmer-owned) but I hadn't

Smoked Turkey Together With Greens Pot Pie

Ingredients: 1 loving cup frozen Lima beans 1 loving cup peeled, diced Russet potatoes 1 bunch kale, chopped 1/2 loving cup flour 1 carrot, cutting into coins ii stalks celery, diced ii cloves garlic, minced ii parsnips, cutting into coins 1 onion, diced iii tablespoons butter iii cups cubed, smoked turkey breast* ii 1/2 cups  chicken stock  or turkey stock 1 3/4 loving cup whole milk ii tablespoons fresh thyme leaves 1 bay leaf 1 egg, beaten salt freshly reason dark pepper puff pastry (if using defrosted frozen, you lot volition solely require i sheet) Directions: Preheat oven to 350. Melt the butter inwards a large skillet alongside high sides, a large saucepan or a stove overstep in addition to oven rubber 2-quart casserole. Add the onion, garlic, parsnip, celery, carrots, Lima beans, potatoes, in addition to kale. Cook over depression heat, stirring occasionally, until the onion is translucent. Stir inwards the flour in addition to railroad train

Turkey, Ham, Kale Together With Mushroom Pie

Ingredients: 1 onion, diced 8 oz crimini mushrooms, diced ii cups diced cooked turkey breast ii cups diced smoked ham 1 bunch lacinato kale, chopped 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning 1 teaspoon crushed sage 1/4 loving cup flour 1 loving cup milk 1 loving cup turkey stock tabular array salt pepper three cups cooked plainly mashed potatoes 1 egg Directions: Preheat oven 350. Saute the onion in addition to mushrooms until the onions are soft, inwards a large, high walled skillet. Add the turkey, ham, in addition to kale, saute until the kale wilts. Add the spices in addition to flour, stir until all ingredients are coated. Add the milk in addition to stock, simmer until thickened. Meanwhile, trounce the egg into the potatoes. Pour the thickened meat mixture into a ii or ii 1/2-quart baking dish. Top amongst potatoes.  Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the dish is bubbly in addition to lightly browned My thoughts: Every twelvemonth I travail to postal service

Autumn Spiced Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Ingredients: seeds from ii pocket-size saccharide pumpkins ane teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon allspice 1/4 teaspoon cloves 1/2 teaspoon dry reason ginger 1/2 teaspoon cardamom 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg ii tablespoons canola oil Directions: Preheat oven to 225. Line a baking canvas alongside parchment paper. In a pocket-size bowl, stir all ingredients together to coat the seeds inwards spices too oil.  Arrange on the baking canvas inwards a unmarried layer. Bake for fifteen minutes, stir, bake for fifteen minutes, stir, bake for fifteen minutes. Turn the oven upwards to 350 for ten minutes or until the seeds are really crispy. Cool completely too shop inwards an airtight container for upwards to three weeks. My thoughts: After I roasted the volunteer pumpkins from my yard to brand the Afghan inspired pumpkin dish too the Italian sausage pumpkin pasta , I was left alongside a ton of seeds. My hubby really nicely cleaned all the guts off them

Triple Ginger Cranberry Sauce Bread

Ingredients: ii 1/4 cups flour 1/3 loving cup nighttime brownish carbohydrate i loving cup cranberry sauce 1/3 loving cup sour cream 1/4 loving cup canola oil 1/2 oz finely diced candied ginger i egg, at room temperature ii teaspoons baking pulverisation i teaspoon grated fresh ginger i teaspoon soil ginger Directions: Preheat oven to 350. Grease in addition to flour or spray (with baking spray amongst flour) i loaf pan. In a medium mixing bowl, combine sour cream, egg, oil, brownish carbohydrate in addition to cranberry sauce until thoroughly incorporated. Add flour, baking powder, in addition to spices. Mix thoroughly. Fold inward the chopped candied ginger. Pour into prepared loaf pan. Bake 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the middle comes out clean. Cool inward pan almost five minutes hence invert to a wire rack. My thoughts: We are cranberry sauce lovers. I am non a jam or jelly mortal simply I've made a wee fleck of cranberry sauce express

Turkey Ruebens

Ingredients: sliced leftover roasted turkey 4 slices Swiss Cheese 8 slices rye staff of life one loving cup sauerkraut butter Russian dressing: two slices dill pickle , minced one shallot, minced three tablespoons mayonnaise three tablespoons sour cream 1/2 tablespoon prepared horseradish two teaspoons Worcestershire sauce white pepper Directions: Stir together the dressing ingredients. Spread on four slices of bread. Top each alongside a layer of turkey as well as thus sauerkraut as well as thus Swiss. Top alongside the remaining slices of bread. Melt the butter inwards a skillet as well as ready each side until golden brown, roofing briefly if needed to warm the sandwich through. Slice as well as serve. My thoughts: When I had fake Thanksgiving final month, nosotros ended upward alongside a lot turkey leftover. I similar the traditional cranberry sauce + turkey sandwich exactly I wanted to endeavour something different. Since I alive inwards Baltimore, I had

Turnip Greens Amongst Cottage Ham

Ingredients: 1 lb turnip greens (young, smaller leaves if possible), thick ribs removed vi cups chicken , ham or turkey stock four cloves garlic, sliced 2 onions, diced 2 bay leaves 2 cups boneless cottage ham, diced 1 jalapeno pepper, diced 2 tablespoons canola oil leaves from a few sprigs of fresh thyme sea salt freshly solid soil dark pepper Directions: In an 8 quart pot, oestrus the oil. Saute the onions, ham chunks, garlic, peppers, thyme in addition to bay leaves until the onions are simply softening in addition to the ham is starting to brown, almost 10-15 minutes. Add the greens. Add the stock, salt, in addition to pepper. Stir. Bring to a boil. Stir in addition to then all of the greens are coated inwards broth in addition to starting to wilt. Reduce oestrus in addition to simmer about 15 minutes or until the greens are real tender. Discard the bay leaves. My thoughts: After seeing both turnip greens in addition to cottage ham (smoked pork butt) for sale at

Buffalo Turkey Sliders

Ingredients: iii cups shredded cooked turkey i loving cup buffalo fly sauce 1/2 loving cup blue cheese dressing 12 slider rolls freshly terra firma dark pepper Directions: In a saucepan, estrus the sauce, turkey in addition to pepper until warmed through. Stir occasionally to insure the sauce is evenly distributed. Divide with the rolls. Top with a dollop of dressing in addition to serve. My thoughts: A super slow Thanksgiving leftover recipe for you lot today! Last twelvemonth I received a few requests for a elementary means to operate upward leftover turkey every bit many of you lot create non desire to survive doing much cooking the 24-hour interval afterward the holiday. Well, hither you lot go: easy, tasty in addition to adaptable. We used super hot fly sauce simply you lot tin operate whatever multifariousness is your favorite.

Pennsylvania Dutch Tater Filling

Ingredients: iv slices white patato bread, toasted too cubed ane onion, diced ii stalks celery, diced five cups leftover mashed potatoes (I used leftovers from this ) ii tablespoons parsley iii eggs ii tablespoons butter body of body of water salt freshly solid soil dark pepper Directions: Preheat oven to 350. Spray alongside cooking spray or grease a 8x8 inch baking dish. Melt the butter inwards a large skillet. Add the celery too onion too saute until the onion is translucent (do non brown!), close five minutes. Add the breadstuff cubes too saute until they are warmed through. Add the mixture to a large bowl. Stir inwards the remaining ingredients until all ingredients are evenly distributed*. Pour into the prepared pan. Bake for thirty minutes or until pipe hot too the operate yesteryear is lightly browned. *Some mashed potatoes are moister than others. If your mixture looks dry, add together roughly chicken or turkey stock to moisten too sparse the mixture

Turkey & Sauerkraut Pierogi

Ingredients: dough: iii cups flour 1 loving cup mutual depression temperature water two eggs two tablespoons sour cream 1 teaspoon salt filling: 1/2 loving cup finely diced cooked turkey breast 1/2 loving cup chopped sauerkraut freshly Earth dark pepper Directions: In a modest bowl, mix together the filling ingredients. Set aside. In a large bowl, mix together all of the dough ingredients until a circular ball forms. If the dough is overly sticky, add together a footling fleck for flour, if crumbly, add together a tiny fleck to a greater extent than water. Roll out on a clean, floured surface. Roll close to close 1/8 thick. Use a large (about iii inch) circular biscuit or cookie cutter to cutting out circles. Place 1 1/2 teaspoon of filling on 1 side of the circular of dough leaving a 1/4 inch rim around the bottom. Fold the other side together with pinch tightly shut. Repeat until all of the rounds are filled. Bring a large pot of H2O to boil. Add the pierogi tog

Cranberry Sauce'd Pulled Pork

Ingredients: 2 1/2 lb boneless pork loin 1 minor onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic 1 loving cup whole berry cranberry sauce 1/4 loving cup cherry vino vinegar 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 2 jalapenos, chopped 1 teaspoon terra firma mustard 1 teaspoon terra firma ginger 1/2 teaspoon allspice three sprigs worth fresh thyme salt freshly terra firma dark pepper Directions: The nighttime before, house all ingredients inwards a marinating container or resealable bag. Refrigerate overnight. The side past times side morning, pour everything into a  four quart boring cooker . Cook on depression 8-10 hours. Shred the pork alongside 2 forks (or these claws ) inwards the boring cooker. Toss to evenly distribute the sauce. Serve on rolls. My thoughts: You know you lot all the same bring cranberry sauce. If non all the same hanging out inwards the refrigerator than a tin sack stashed away inwards the dorsum of a closet similar a dingy secret. Bring them to low-cal together wi

Panes Con Pavo (Salvadoran Turkey Sandwich)

Ingredients: xiv oz canned diced tomatoes two teaspoons pose down mustard 1/2 teaspoon freshly pose down dark pepper 1/4 teaspoon annatto seeds 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme two bay leaves two tablespoons sesame seeds two tablespoons hulled, roasted pumpkin seeds (pepitas) 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce iii cloves garlic 1/2 loving cup diced onion 4.5 oz Old El Paso® chopped light-green chiles iii 1/2 cups shredded cooked turkey breast iv kaiser rolls, Italian rolls or bollitos Directions: Place the tomatoes, spices, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, onion together with light-green chiles inward a blender. Pulse until a polish sauce forms. Transfer to a medium saucepan. Add the turkey. Simmer for 10 minutes or until warmed through. Serve on kaiser rolls, Italian rolls or bollitos. My thoughts: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 pop dish at Christmas fourth dimension (or Thanksgiving for many US domicile Salvadorian families), Salvadorian

Homemade Deviled Ham

Ingredients: 1 1/2 lb smoked ham 1 large shallot, quartered 1/4 loving cup Dijon mustard 1/4 loving cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon hot sauce 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika freshly reason dark pepper Directions: Place all ingredients inward a nutrient processor. Pulse until virtually smooth. Refrigerate at to the lowest degree 1 hr prior to serving. My thoughts: It is that fourth dimension of twelvemonth again. No non Christmas! Ham season! Hams appear to larn on sale twice a year, inward Dec as well as over again roughly Easter. I pretty much alone purchase whole hams thus because they are thus big, heavy as well as expensive the balance of the year. I turned this ham into sandwiches, stuffing as well as this zesty spread. Normally ane alone finds deviled ham inward cans (ugh) merely freshly made deviled ham is a delight, it similar to ham salad merely smoother as well as a flake spicier. I similar it on crackers or if I am feeling decad

Ham Croquettes

Ingredients: ii cups pocket-size die ham* i pocket-size onion, pocket-size dice i clove garlic, minced 1/4 loving cup flour 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika 3/4 loving cup milk i tablespoon butter i tablespoon olive oil i egg, beaten** 3/4 loving cup breadstuff crumbs or matzo meal Directions: Melt butter inwards a pan, add together stone oil in addition to rut through. Add the ham, onion in addition to garlic. Saute until the onion is soft in addition to translucent, nigh 5-8 minutes. Sprinkle amongst flour in addition to spices in addition to fix 1-2 minutes. Add the milk in addition to cook, stirring occasionally, until the mixture thickens. Place inwards a covered container in addition to refrigerate at to the lowest degree i hr in addition to upward to 8 or until firm. Heat 1/2 inch canola stone oil inwards a large skillet. Place the egg in addition to breadcrumbs/matzo repast inwards split shallow bowls. Form the dough into ii inch yesteryear 1/2

Dark Chocolate Pudding Amongst Candy Topping

2/3 loving cup sugar 1/4 loving cup Divine Chocolate Cocoa three tablespoons cornstarch two 1/4 cups 2% milk two tablespoons butter, diced 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla paste 1 teaspoon bourbon pinch salt chopped candy (I used Goldenberg's Peanut Chews) Over medium oestrus as well as inwards a pocket-size sauce pan, whisk together sugar, cocoa, cornstarch as well as salt. Slowly whisk inwards the milk. Continue to ready over medium heat, whisking constantly, until it boils. Allow to boil for 1 infinitesimal piece whisking continually. Remove from heat. Whisk inwards butter, bourbon, vanilla as well as paste. Pour into ramekins or jars. Serve warm or refrigerate until cold, 1-2 hours. Sprinkle amongst candy bits prior to serving. My thoughts: I was excited that Divine Chocolate sent me about yummy bars as well as baking cocoa for #Chocotoberfest amongst Imperial Sugar! I beloved their candy bars (and how they are fair merchandise as well as farmer-owned) but I hadn't

Smoked Turkey Together With Greens Pot Pie

Ingredients: 1 loving cup frozen Lima beans 1 loving cup peeled, diced Russet potatoes 1 bunch kale, chopped 1/2 loving cup flour 1 carrot, cutting into coins ii stalks celery, diced ii cloves garlic, minced ii parsnips, cutting into coins 1 onion, diced iii tablespoons butter iii cups cubed, smoked turkey breast* ii 1/2 cups  chicken stock  or turkey stock 1 3/4 loving cup whole milk ii tablespoons fresh thyme leaves 1 bay leaf 1 egg, beaten salt freshly reason dark pepper puff pastry (if using defrosted frozen, you lot volition solely require i sheet) Directions: Preheat oven to 350. Melt the butter inwards a large skillet alongside high sides, a large saucepan or a stove overstep in addition to oven rubber 2-quart casserole. Add the onion, garlic, parsnip, celery, carrots, Lima beans, potatoes, in addition to kale. Cook over depression heat, stirring occasionally, until the onion is translucent. Stir inwards the flour in addition to railroad train

Turkey, Ham, Kale Together With Mushroom Pie

Ingredients: 1 onion, diced 8 oz crimini mushrooms, diced ii cups diced cooked turkey breast ii cups diced smoked ham 1 bunch lacinato kale, chopped 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning 1 teaspoon crushed sage 1/4 loving cup flour 1 loving cup milk 1 loving cup turkey stock tabular array salt pepper three cups cooked plainly mashed potatoes 1 egg Directions: Preheat oven 350. Saute the onion in addition to mushrooms until the onions are soft, inwards a large, high walled skillet. Add the turkey, ham, in addition to kale, saute until the kale wilts. Add the spices in addition to flour, stir until all ingredients are coated. Add the milk in addition to stock, simmer until thickened. Meanwhile, trounce the egg into the potatoes. Pour the thickened meat mixture into a ii or ii 1/2-quart baking dish. Top amongst potatoes.  Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the dish is bubbly in addition to lightly browned My thoughts: Every twelvemonth I travail to postal service

Autumn Spiced Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Ingredients: seeds from ii pocket-size saccharide pumpkins ane teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon allspice 1/4 teaspoon cloves 1/2 teaspoon dry reason ginger 1/2 teaspoon cardamom 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg ii tablespoons canola oil Directions: Preheat oven to 225. Line a baking canvas alongside parchment paper. In a pocket-size bowl, stir all ingredients together to coat the seeds inwards spices too oil.  Arrange on the baking canvas inwards a unmarried layer. Bake for fifteen minutes, stir, bake for fifteen minutes, stir, bake for fifteen minutes. Turn the oven upwards to 350 for ten minutes or until the seeds are really crispy. Cool completely too shop inwards an airtight container for upwards to three weeks. My thoughts: After I roasted the volunteer pumpkins from my yard to brand the Afghan inspired pumpkin dish too the Italian sausage pumpkin pasta , I was left alongside a ton of seeds. My hubby really nicely cleaned all the guts off them